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2014 Vol. 2, No. 3

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Reservoir construction from the Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration
Trenton T Cladouhos, Susan Petty, Yini Nordin, Michael Moore, Kyla Grasso, Matt Uddenberg, Michael W Swyer
2014, 2(3): 1-7.
Abstract(805) PDF(699)
The Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration in central Oregon tests recent technological advances designed to reduce the cost of power generated by EGS in a hot, dry well (NWG 55-29) drilled in 2008. An EGS reservoir was created by injecting large volumes of cold water, causing existing fractures to slip in shear (known as hydroshearing) generating the seismic waves that can be used to map fracture location and size. At the Newberry Demonstration the final injectivity ranged between 1.4 and 1.7 L/s/MPa a ~6x improvement over the initial injectivity of the well. The injectivity improvement and seismic analysis indicate that previously impermeable fractures were enhanced during the NWG 55-29 stimulation.
Experimental study of impact of a certain polluted river on groundwater along river bank in Southeast China
GONG Jian-shi, ZHU Chun-fang, YE Nian-jun, WANG He-sheng, ZHOU Kai-e, HOU Li-li
2014, 2(3): 8-16.
Abstract(554) PDF(768)
Based on the large scale land and resources survey project--groundwater contamination survey in southeast China, a certain polluted river and its typical sites along its bank were selected as research objectives. Such river is a comprehensive sewage channel for certain provincial capital city, with complicated types of pollutants. Based on the analysis on water level of horizonal and vertical hydrogeologic profile and water quality monitoring data, the impact and range of the polluted river on local groundwater were evaluated. Data show that the polluted river supplies water to underground aquifers throughout the year, which has great impact on groundwater horizontally, but different ions have different responses. Major influential indexes such as inorganic component 3-nitrogen, sulphate, chloride etc. present an obvious relevance, while iron, manganese, fluoride, arsenic and heavy metal and so on are less impacted. The first four indexes in groundwater are less impacted by the surface sewage because of their protogenesis, and heavy metal components become less due to sediment filtration. Data also show that deep groundwater is less influenced, on the contrary, ammonia nitrogen ion is obviously impacted. On the basis of influence degree as well as range of evaluation, some factors that caused the existing influence were discussed and proposes feasible study direction.
Evaluation and reasonable utilization of geothermal resources of Shenze County, Hebei Province
LIU Zhi-ming, LIN Wen-jing, LIU Qin-xuan, ZHANG Wei, LIU Chun-lei, MA Feng, WANG Gui-ling
2014, 2(3): 17-27.
Abstract(671) PDF(719)
Based on the geothermal geology of Shenze Geothermal Reservoir, several methods were adopted to evaluate the geothermal resources of the Minghuazhen Group and the Guantao Group of Shenze Geothermal Reservoir respectively. The results show that the geothermal reserve is 1 519.77×1016 J, among which the exploitable reserve of geothermal resources is 379.94×1016 J, the reserve of geothermal fluid is 35 908.46×106 m3, while the quantity of heat is 613.84×1016 J, the exploitable reserve of geothermal fluid is 3 026.54×106 m3 and the quantity of heat is 52.75×1016 J. The existing status and problem of geothermal resources utilization were analyzed and suggestions on reasonable utilization were put forward.
Application of Visual MODFLOW to simulation of migration in Cr6+ contaminated site
ZHANG Zhi-qiang, LI Hong-chao, WANG Yu-qing, ZHANG li-ye, WANG Ying
2014, 2(3): 28-35.
Abstract(1311) PDF(852)
On the basis of site investigation and data collection of a certain electro plating factory, the groundwater flow and solute transport coupled models were established by applying Visual MODFLOW 4.1 software, which was used to conduct a numerical simulation that forecast the transport process of Cr6+ in groundwater. The results show that contamination plume of Cr6+ transports with groundwater flow direction. Without control measures, in 3 650 days, 19 wells for drinking would be contaminated, and the range of transport would be 52 172 m2, the maximum contamination would be 35.8 mg/L
Evaluation of groundwater supply capacity for agricultural drought emergency relief of Hebei Plain
LIU Li-jun, LIU Zhi-gang, LI Dou, ZHANG Shao-cai, CUI Qiu-ping, WANG Juan
2014, 2(3): 36-45.
Abstract(645) PDF(784)
Drought is the uppermost natural disaster in the Hebei Plain, which during the past 20 years showed a trend of frequency increasing, range extension, longer duration and severer damage. In the Hebei Plain, as a major grain producing area, the agricultural drought emergency relief can only rely on groundwater exploitation. Thus the work to conduct evaluation of groundwater supply capacity for agricultural drought emergency relief of Hebei Plain is of great significance for disaster prevention and relief. In this paper, with the method of analytic hierarchy process, the evaluation index system with reference to 3 aspects and 7 indexes (the former including groundwater resources, groundwater exploitation technical conditions and water supply facilities) and the ArcGIS Desktop ArcMAP software, the work to assess the shallow groundwater supply capacity for agricultural drought emergency relief in the Hebei Plain was carried out.
Back calculation of soil hydraulic parameters based on HYDRUS-1D
LIU Chun-lei, YANG Hui-feng, WANG Gui-ling
2014, 2(3): 46-53.
Abstract(795) PDF(788)
Soil hydraulic parameters are the basis for simulating and calculating the progress of soil water movement and salt transport, and the parameters back-calculation method is simple and effective to determine those parameters. HYDRUS-1D software can simulate the movement of water, salt and heat of soil, as well as realize the inverse calculation of the soil hydraulic parameters through utilizing measured data. Based on the soil moisture content and negative-pressure data monitored in the Erdaoqiao test field of HangjinRear Banner ofInner MongoliaAutonomous Region, soil hydraulic parameters were inversely calculated, and the parameters were verified by utilizing the monitored data of soil with the same lithology under different conditions. The results show that soil moisture content and negative-pressure profile calculated by the soil hydraulic parameters through this method coincide comparably well with the measured results. This indicated that the soil hydraulic parameters obtained through this method were suitable for the moisture movement calculation of soil with the same lithology in field scale
Analysis of impact of outfalls on surrounding soil and groundwater environment
GU Ming-xu, LIU Yu, HAN Chong, SHANG Lin-qun, JIANG Xian-qiao, WANG Lin-ying
2014, 2(3): 54-60.
Abstract(758) PDF(690)
With certain outfalls in Baoding as an example and in combination with test results of soil and water samples taken from both sides of such outfalls, the organic contamination compounds influence on the surrounding soil and groundwater environment was analysed, the distribution features of the main organic contamination in soil and groundwater in different depth were discussed, and the vertical and longitudinal migration rule of all kinds of main organic contamination compounds in soil and groundwater in the sewage irrigation area was studied.
Tracking footprint of hydrogeology research in China via scientific projects funded by the NSFC (1997–2013)
ZHAI Yuan-zheng, LEI Yan, WANG Jin-sheng, TENG Yan-guo
2014, 2(3): 61-70.
Abstract(954) PDF(841)
In order to track the footprint of the hydrogeology research in China during the past years, all the projects with the code of D0213 (hydrogeology, geothermic geosciences included) funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) from 1997 to 2013 were searched and analysed. The statistics results showed that, a total of 88 institutes were ever funded with a total of 462 projects with the gross amount of 214 million yuan, and Beijing and Wuhan were the two most important centres for the hydrogeology research. In detail, A few 211 Project & 985 Project universities were the main forces, followed by Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Apart from the several traditional geological universities/colleges (China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Nanjing University, Jilin University, and Chang’an University) with outstanding performances, a few new forces from 211 Project & 985 Project universities also made good achievements with Beijing Normal University and Peking University standing out. Generally speaking, the focused scientific issues and related technologies included that but were not limited to, (1) Mechanism, control and remediation of groundwater/soil pollution were the most active fields, (2) Flow dynamics in saturated/unsaturated zone was still an interested topic, (3) Groundwater in hydrological cycle in different scales under climate change and human activities developed very quickly, (4) Engineering problems and disasters associated with groundwater aroused enormous attention, (5) Numerical modeling was still the most important means with wide application, and (6) Environmental tracing was a very active technique and new tracers were found and tried frequently
Influence of fluctuations of frozen soil in North Asia on groundwater and assessment on resources
CHENG Yan-pei, YUE Chen, ZHANG Jian-kang, YI Qing, WEN Xue-ru, LI Yong-chao
2014, 2(3): 71-77.
Abstract(656) PDF(770)
The distribution and fluctuations of frozen soil in North Asia are closely related to the groundwater recharge-runoff-discharge in this area, and play a role in controlling the hydrogeological conditions of North Asia. By using NOAA satellite remote sensing interpretation data of frozen soil distribution in 2009 in conjunction with local hydrogeological conditions, the frozen soil area of North Asia according to the different characteristics of its impact on the groundwater was divided into three great hydrogeologic units, i.e. continuous permafrost, island permafrost, and high-altitude permafrost. By water balance method, the amount of natural renewable resources in North Asia was calculated as 1 007.45×109 m3/a, with mineable resource of 705.21×109 m3/a, which indicates that the reduction of frozen soil range due to climate change in recent years gives rise to the richer groundwater resources and greater potential of mineable resources in North Asia, and frozen soil melting poses a relatively significant influence on the groundwater environment and ecological environment in North Asia
Construction of ecological environment of oasis in Qingtongxia Irrigation District
HUANG Xiao-qin, YU Yan-qing, SUN Yong-liang
2014, 2(3): 78-84.
Abstract(1267) PDF(3946)
Oasis is the core area of social and economic development in the arid western regions, and is also a territory with prominent ecological environmental problems. Because of the unreasonable development and utilization of soil and water resources, the ecological environment of oasis in Qingtongxia Irrigation District is threatened by soil salinization, shrinkage of lakes and wetlands, and deterioration of water environment. As for these environmental problems, the direct cause is the loss of regulation of groundwater depth or serious pollution of water caused by man-made irrational exploitation, and the root cause lies in shortage of water resources and unreasonable allocation of water resources. In this regard, it is believed that the primary task for the construction ecological environment of oasis in Qingtongxia Irrigation District is to adjust the allocation structure of water resources and to ease the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources, for which the direct means is to carry out dynamic control of water and salt based on the ecological landscape structure and land type in the Irrigation District in accordance with local conditions.
Analysis and prevention measures for typical geological disasters formation and mechanisms within permafrost zone of Greater Khingan Range
BAI Yu-chun, LI Yong-li, DONG Xue-liang, ZHAO Lei
2014, 2(3): 85-93.
Abstract(603) PDF(715)
The types, factors and formation conditions of typical geological disasters within the permafrost zone in the Greater Khingan Range area of Heilongjiang province were analysed in the paper. The formation mechanism behind geological disasters was illustrated, and the development trend, prevention programs and effects of the typical disaster on communities, agricultural lands and landscapes were reviewed.
Zonation for exploitation and utilization of geothermal water in Beijing
LIU Kai, SUN Ying, LI Yu, LIU Jiu-rong, LIU Ying-chao
2014, 2(3): 94-104.
Abstract(808) PDF(732)
The types, factors and formation conditions of typical geological disasters within the permafrost zone in the Greater Khingan Range area of Heilongjiang province were analysed in the paper. The formation mechanism behind geological disasters was illustrated, and the development trend, prevention programs and effects of the typical disaster on communities, agricultural lands and landscapes were reviewed.

JGSE-ScholarOne Manuscript Launched on June 1, 2024.

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