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Volume 2 Issue 3
Sep.  2014
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LIU Chun-lei, YANG Hui-feng, WANG Gui-ling. 2014: Back calculation of soil hydraulic parameters based on HYDRUS-1D. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2(3): 46-53.
Citation: LIU Chun-lei, YANG Hui-feng, WANG Gui-ling. 2014: Back calculation of soil hydraulic parameters based on HYDRUS-1D. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2(3): 46-53.

Back calculation of soil hydraulic parameters based on HYDRUS-1D

  • Publish Date: 2014-09-28
  • Soil hydraulic parameters are the basis for simulating and calculating the progress of soil water movement and salt transport, and the parameters back-calculation method is simple and effective to determine those parameters. HYDRUS-1D software can simulate the movement of water, salt and heat of soil, as well as realize the inverse calculation of the soil hydraulic parameters through utilizing measured data. Based on the soil moisture content and negative-pressure data monitored in the Erdaoqiao test field of HangjinRear Banner ofInner MongoliaAutonomous Region, soil hydraulic parameters were inversely calculated, and the parameters were verified by utilizing the monitored data of soil with the same lithology under different conditions. The results show that soil moisture content and negative-pressure profile calculated by the soil hydraulic parameters through this method coincide comparably well with the measured results. This indicated that the soil hydraulic parameters obtained through this method were suitable for the moisture movement calculation of soil with the same lithology in field scale
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