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Volume 2 Issue 4
Dec.  2014
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ZHANG Wei. 2014: Establishment of an assessment method for site-scale suitability of CO2 geological storage. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2(4): 19-25.
Citation: ZHANG Wei. 2014: Establishment of an assessment method for site-scale suitability of CO2 geological storage. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2(4): 19-25.

Establishment of an assessment method for site-scale suitability of CO2 geological storage

  • Publish Date: 2014-12-28
  • Geological storage of CO2 (known as geological sequestration) is increasingly seen as a viable strategy to reduce the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. China has become one of the largest emitters of CO2 in the world. Therefore, alongside other emissions reductions measures, the deployment of geological storage projects to capture CO2 in China is essential. This paper focuses on the establishment of qualitative and quantitative assessment methods for site-scale suitability of CO2 geological storage in deep saline formation systems. This is based on numerical modelling prior to the development a specific geological storage project, providing a more accurate selection of preferential sites from a list of potential storage locations. However, the detailed design of specific geological storage projects was not con?sidered.
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