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Volume 2 Issue 4
Dec.  2014
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GE Li-qiang, CHENG Yan-pei, YUE Chen. 2014: Study of water resources for crop utilization in China from the perspective of Virtual Water. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2(4): 67-75.
Citation: GE Li-qiang, CHENG Yan-pei, YUE Chen. 2014: Study of water resources for crop utilization in China from the perspective of Virtual Water. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2(4): 67-75.

Study of water resources for crop utilization in China from the perspective of Virtual Water

  • Publish Date: 2014-12-28
  • Based on the Virtual Water Theory, the research analyzed the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of major crops in China. Analysis results indicate that the unit virtual water content varies with the type of crop obviously as well as the distribution region. We also found irrational water utilization in some regions, which means that the renewable water sources could not meet the water demand for crop growth. With a view solving these problems found in the research, discussions on agricultural water-saving technology, comprehensive allocation of crops, selection of rational cropping pattern, full use of green water and trade of virtual water were carried out, which may result in some theoretical basis for the sustainable utilization of agricultural water resources in China.
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