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Volume 4 Issue 1
Mar.  2016
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CHENG Tang-pei, LIU Xing-wei, SHAO Jing-Li, et al. 2016: Review of the algebraic linear methods and parallel implementation in numerical simulation of groundwater flow. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 4(1): 12-17.
Citation: CHENG Tang-pei, LIU Xing-wei, SHAO Jing-Li, et al. 2016: Review of the algebraic linear methods and parallel implementation in numerical simulation of groundwater flow. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 4(1): 12-17.

Review of the algebraic linear methods and parallel implementation in numerical simulation of groundwater flow

  • Publish Date: 2016-03-28
  • The desire to increase spatial and temporal resolution in modeling groundwater system has led to the requirement for intensive computational ability and large memory space. In the course of satisfying such requirement, parallel computing has played a core role over the past several decades. This paper reviews the parallel algebraic linear solution methods and the parallel implementation technologies for groundwater simulation. This work is carried out to provide guidance to enable modelers of groundwater systems to make sensible choices when developing solution methods based upon the current state of knowledge in parallel computing.
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    CHENG Tang-pei, MO Ze-yao, SHAO Jing-li. 2014a. Accelerating groundwater flow simulation in MODFLOW using JASMIN- Based parallel computing. Groundwater, 52(2): 194-205.
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