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Volume 1 Issue 3
Dec.  2014
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Cui-ling Wang, Chang-li Liu, Ya-jie Pang, et al. 2013: Adsorption Behavior of Hexavalent Chromium in Vadose Zone. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 1(3): 83-88.
Citation: Cui-ling Wang, Chang-li Liu, Ya-jie Pang, et al. 2013: Adsorption Behavior of Hexavalent Chromium in Vadose Zone. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 1(3): 83-88.

Adsorption Behavior of Hexavalent Chromium in Vadose Zone

  • Publish Date: 2014-12-28
  • Adsorption behavior of Cr (VI) in vadose zone, which is silty clay and clayey soil, was studied through kinetics experiments, isothermal adsorption experiments under various conditions, including different ph, temperature and organic contents. The results from kinetics experiments showed that the sorption progress of Cr (VI) has clear features in different stages, and adsorption equilibrium showed at 30 min, the adsorption rate of silty clay and clayey soil were 60%. The isothermal adsorption curve of Cr (VI) fitted closely with Freundlich equation model. When pH is 3-5 a plateau were seen, thereafter with increase in pH the adsorption rate of Cr (VI) dropped sharply and the minimum achieved at pH 10, the adsorption rate were only 35%. Adsorption rate of Cr (VI) increased gradually with the increase of temperature, the temperature of vadose zone is 14.7 ℃, according to the experimental results, the adsorption rate of Cr (VI) is about 40%. The use of organics represents an important contribution to the sorption of Cr (VI), sorption rate up to 100% when 30% of organic content. These studies will provide basis for manager to minimize the impacts, and provide basic data for pollution prevention and remediation of vadose zone.
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