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Volume 1 Issue 3
Dec.  2014
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Shi-jie Xie, Qiang Zhang, Yu-chong Qiu. 2013: Simulation and Prediction of the Fluorides Migration in a Tailing Pond Using Modflow. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 1(3): 33-39.
Citation: Shi-jie Xie, Qiang Zhang, Yu-chong Qiu. 2013: Simulation and Prediction of the Fluorides Migration in a Tailing Pond Using Modflow. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 1(3): 33-39.

Simulation and Prediction of the Fluorides Migration in a Tailing Pond Using Modflow

  • Publish Date: 2014-12-28
  • The hydrogeological generalized model of a tailing pond in Qian’an was established. Based on this model, the migration rules of the fluorides in the study area were subjected to the fully implicit difference method of Visual Modflow software (MT3DMS). The study indicates that the direction of fluorides migration is consistent with the direction of the stream flow generally, and the concentration of the fluorides decreases with the increase of the migration distance. The simulation results can provide scientific bases for the assessment and management of the underground water in the contaminated zone.
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