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Geoelectrical survey over perched aquifers in the northern part of Upper Sakarya River Basin, Türkiye

Ertekin Can Ulugergerli Emin U

Ertekin C, Ulugergerli EU. 2022. Geoelectrical survey over perched aquifers in the northern part of Upper Sakarya River Basin, Türkiye. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 10(4): 335-352 doi:  10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2022.04.003
Citation: Ertekin C, Ulugergerli EU. 2022. Geoelectrical survey over perched aquifers in the northern part of Upper Sakarya River Basin, Türkiye. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 10(4): 335-352 doi:  10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2022.04.003

doi: 10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2022.04.003

Geoelectrical survey over perched aquifers in the northern part of Upper Sakarya River Basin, Türkiye

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    Corresponding author: emin@comu.edu.tr
  • ①TİGEM 2012. Anadolu Tarım İşletmesi Hidrojeolojik ve Jeofizik Etüt Raporu (in Turkish), 73.
  • ②URL1 2019. https://github.com/fatiando (AD 19.11.2019)
  • ③URL2 2019. https://github.com/gimli-org/gimli (AD 19.11.2019)
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    ①TİGEM 2012. Anadolu Tarım İşletmesi Hidrojeolojik ve Jeofizik Etüt Raporu (in Turkish), 73.
    ②URL1 2019. https://github.com/fatiando (AD 19.11.2019)
    ③URL2 2019. https://github.com/gimli-org/gimli (AD 19.11.2019)
  • Figure  1.  The global location and Tectono-stratigraphic terranes of Anatolia (Türkiye) and the surface geology of the study site and the survey site (the geophysical survey site) with the arrangement of VES stations (gray dots in the survey site) (compiled from MTA (1964), SRTM Elevation Data of 1 arc-second from EARTHDATA (2021) and Zürcher et al. (2010).

    Notes: Stratigraphic names of the rocks are as follows: Mzi (İnönü Marbel), Mzs (Sarıkavak formation), Mzsm (Marble member), JKdp (Dağküplü Peridotite), Kdm (Dağküplü mélange), Tmplp1 (Conglomerate-sandstone member), Tmplp2 (Claystone-marn-tuff member), Tet (Topkaya granitoid), Qal (Alluvium). The map was compiled from Akbaş et al. (2011), Emre et al. (2013, 2018), GMVDE (2016) and SRTM Elevation Data of 1 arc-second from EARTHDATA (2021). The figure uses Universal Transverse Mercator projection with WGS 84 datum in 36 Northern Hemisphere Zone.

    Figure  2.  The regional hydrogeology map of Türkiye compiled from IHME (2021) and the hydrogeology map of the Upper Sakarya River Basin compiled from IHME (2021) and Esen (1978).

    Notes: The map only displays the high and local groundwater aquifers with no groundwater occurrence settings. The study site, the survey site (the geophysical survey site) and the local groundwater level map are on the figure. The figure uses Universal Transverse Mercator projection with WGS 84 datum in 36 Northern Hemisphere Zone.

    Figure  3.  The hydrogeology map of the study site (the geophysical survey site) compiled from Akbaş et al. (2011), Emre et al. (2013, 2018) and IHME (2021).

    Notes: The yellow lines indicate boundaries of the outcropped rocks. The abbreviations on the figure reveal the stratigraphic names of the rocks in Fig. 1. The figure uses Universal Transverse Mercator projection with WGS 84 datum in 36 Northern Hemisphere Zone.

    Figure  4.  The groundwater level map in meters above mean sea level (MSL) close to the survey site (the geophysical survey site) and the two main groundwater flow directions are visible and separated with the groundwater divide.

    Notes: The map was prepared with the groundwater depth data in Table 1 compiled from TİGEM (2012) and DSİ Data Archive (the data obtained by personal communication). The upper figure uses Universal Transverse Mercator projection with WGS 84 datum in 36 Northern Hemisphere Zone. The lower figure is the graph of measured groundwater level data in meters above MSL vs. estimated groundwater level values produced by the Minimum Curvature method (Briggs, 1974). The gray line is the 1:1 line. The measured data and well numbers were labeled with red dots.

    Figure  5.  A sample DCRM survey setting for VES points along a profile

    Figure  6.  a) Synthetic model with finite length prism. Solid line profile for observable data. See text for dashed lines. b) 2D inversion result of synthetic data. The white box is the location of the prism.

    Figure  7.  1D inversion result of VES at PP6

    Figure  8.  a) Stitched presentation of 1D Occam’s inversion result along the 5th station for each profile. b) Stitched presentation of 1D Occam’s inversion result along the Profile P

    9.  The 2D sections are the recovered resistivity vs. depth beneath each profile

    Figure  10.  Level map at 75 m from all profiles

    Table  1.   The wells with their hydraulic test data close to the survey site

    Well NoDrilling dateDepth (m)Static level (m)Dynamic level (m)Flow (lt/sn)
    Notes: The data compiled from TİGEM (2012) and General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works Data Archive by personal communication and the well locations are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 4.
    n/a (no answer or no information verified)
    a The groundwater depth from 2009, not including any season or duration
    b The groundwater depth given as an arithmetic mean from 2009. By doing so, the data could be reduced to represent those from 2009 and handled to map with the data outlined in the first five columns
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    Table  2.   Profile names, distance between first and last station and number of stations

    # of stations1098765566
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    Table  3.   Variation of misfit values in 2D inversion

    Initial misfit7.80557.0324.23375.32245.30854.10866.01789.22516.8185
    Final misfit0.09560.05360.06290.04800.04400.02830.034280.17340.2197
    下载: 导出CSV
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