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Changes in groundwater resources and their influencing factors in Songnen Plain, China

Qiang Liu Xiao-dong Guo Chang-qi Wang Nan Lin Hui-rong Zhang Lin Chen Yan Zhang

Liu Q, Guo XD, Wang CQ, et al. 2023. Changes in groundwater resources and their influencing factors in Songnen Plain, China. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 11(3): 207-220 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2023.9280018
Citation: Liu Q, Guo XD, Wang CQ, et al. 2023. Changes in groundwater resources and their influencing factors in Songnen Plain, China. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 11(3): 207-220 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2023.9280018

doi: 10.26599/JGSE.2023.9280018

Changes in groundwater resources and their influencing factors in Songnen Plain, China

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  • Figure  1.  Geographical location of the Songnen Plain

    Figure  2.  Hydrogeological map of phreatic water in Songnen Plain

    Figure  3.  Zoning map of the shallow groundwater system in the Songnen Plain

    1 - Huolin River Basin,Ⅰ2 - Taoer River Basin,Ⅰ3 - Yalu Arun Nuomin River Basin,Ⅰ4 - Upper Nen River Basin,Ⅰ5 - Wuyuer Shuangyang River Basin,Ⅱ1 - Second Songhua River Basin,Ⅲ1 - Hulan Tongken River Basin,Ⅲ2 - Lalin Ashi River Basin

    Figure  4.  Hydrogeological profile of Songnen Plain

    Figure  5.  Variation trend of precipitation in the Songnen Plain

    Figure  6.  Distribution map of paddy fields in Songnen Plain

    Figure  7.  Annual runoff of the Nen River

    Figure  8.  Distribution map of dynamic changes of subsurface during 2004–2020

    Table  1.   Classification of groundwater system in the Songnen Plain

    Groundwater system Secondary groundwater system Area
    /104 km2
    Tertiary groundwater system Code Area
    /104 km2
    Shallow Nen River Basin 11.78 Huolin River Basin 1 2.58
    Taoer River Basin 2 1.74
    Yalu Arun Nuomin River Basin 3 1.10
    Upper Nen River Basin 4 1.55
    Wuyuer Shuangyang River Basin 5 4.83
    Second Songhua River Basin 1.65 Second Songhua River Basin 1 1.65
    Main stream of the Songhua River Basin 4.93 Hulan Tongken River Basin 1 2.42
    Lalin Ashi River Basin 2 2.51
    Middle and deep Quaternary pore confined water 13.07 Low Plains 1 6.89
    High Plains 2 6.18
    Taikang Group 3 4.46
    Neogene fissure-pore confined water 2.28 Da'an Group 1 2.28
    Paleogene fissure-pore confined water 2.42 Yi'an Group 1 2.42
    Cretaceous pore-fissure confined water Cretaceous
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    Table  2.   Average annual volume of the shallow groundwater resources in the Songnen Plain (2000–2020)

    Groundwater system Area/km2 Natural resources
    /109 m3
    Natural resource modulus
    /104 m3/km2·a
    Mining resources
    /109 m3
    Mining resource modulus
    /104 m3/km2·a
    Name Code
    Huolin River Basin 1 25 712.59 0.93 3.62 0.699 0.272
    Taoer River Basin 2 17 373.96 2.637 15.18 2.280 1.312
    Yalu Arun Nuomin River Basin 3 10 970.19 1.487 13.56 1.130 1.03
    Upper Nen River Basin 4 15 485.31 1.148 7.42 0.880 0.569
    Wuyuer Shuangyang River Basin 5 48 275.28 4.084 8.46 2.371 0.491
    Second Songhua River Basin 1 16 483.87 1.297 7.87 1.102 0.668
    Hulan Tongken river basin 1 24 184.92 2.094 8.66 1.230 0.508
    Lalin Ashi River Basin 2 25 096.25 2.268 9.04 1.554 0.619
    Total 183 582.37 15.945 8.69 11.246 0.613
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    Table  3.   Comparison of Precipitation infiltration in three evaluations/109 m3

    Evaluation year 1985 2004 2020
    Precipitation infiltration 11.722 11.158 11.654
    Groundwater resources 14.821 13.181 15.945
    Proportion of groundwater resources/% 79.09 84.65 73.09
    Note:Historical data source: Investigation and evaluation report on groundwater resources and environmental problems in Songnen Plain, comprehensive evaluation report on hydrogeology and engineering geology in Songnen Plain (Zhang et al. 1985).
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    Table  4.   Comparison of surface water irrigation infiltration in three evaluations/109 m3

    Evaluation year 1985 2005 2020
    Surface water irrigation infiltration 0.443 0.841 2.320
    Proportion of groundwater resources/% 2.99 6.38 14.55
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    Table  5.   Infiltration of rivers and channels in three evaluations/109 m3

    Evaluation year 1985 2005 2020
    Infiltration of rivers and channels 2.315 0.904 1.646
    Proportion of groundwater resources/% 15.62 6.86 10.32
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    Table  6.   Change and contribution rate of groundwater recharge

    Item Change in value/108 m3 Contribution rate/%
    1985–2020 2005–2020 1985–2020 2005–2020
    Precipitation infiltration −0.68 4.96 2.58 17.95
    Groundwater inflow −0.17 0.48 0.65 1.74
    Rivers and channels infiltration −6.69 7.41 25.42 26.81
    Surface water irrigation infiltration 18.78 14.79 71.35 53.51
    Groundwater resources 11.24 27.64
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