Changes in groundwater resources and their influencing factors in Songnen Plain, China
Abstract: The Songnen Plain is a crucial agricultural area in China, and in the past 20 years, a large number of dry fields have been developed into paddy fields in order to improve land output efficiency. As a result, the effective irrigation area of agriculture has increased annually, and the conversion mode and quantity between surface water and groundwater have changed considerably. It is essential to identify the changes in groundwater resources and their influencing factors for the sustainable development of economy and society. This study evaluates groundwater resources in the Songnen Plain using the water balance method based on meteorological, hydrological and groundwater monitoring data from 2000 to 2020. The results show that the groundwater resources in the region amount to 15.945 billion m3 with precipitation infiltration being the most important component, accounting for 73.09%, which is followed surface water irrigation infiltration and river and ditch infiltration, constituting 14.55% and 10.32%, respectively. Different factors influence groundwater resources in different periods. Compared to 1985, the increase of surface water irrigation infiltration is the primary factor responsible for the increase of groundwater resources, while other recharge sources have decreased during the same period. Compared to 2005, all groundwater resources have increased, with the increase of surface water irrigation infiltration and river channel infiltration being the primary factors.
Key words:
- Songnen Plain /
- Groundwater resources /
- Precipitation /
- Irrigation /
- Infiltration
Figure 3. Zoning map of the shallow groundwater system in the Songnen Plain
Ⅰ1 - Huolin River Basin,Ⅰ2 - Taoer River Basin,Ⅰ3 - Yalu Arun Nuomin River Basin,Ⅰ4 - Upper Nen River Basin,Ⅰ5 - Wuyuer Shuangyang River Basin,Ⅱ1 - Second Songhua River Basin,Ⅲ1 - Hulan Tongken River Basin,Ⅲ2 - Lalin Ashi River Basin
Table 1. Classification of groundwater system in the Songnen Plain
Groundwater system Secondary groundwater system Area
/104 km2Tertiary groundwater system Code Area
/104 km2Shallow Nen River Basin Ⅰ 11.78 Huolin River Basin Ⅰ1 2.58 Taoer River Basin Ⅰ2 1.74 Yalu Arun Nuomin River Basin Ⅰ3 1.10 Upper Nen River Basin Ⅰ4 1.55 Wuyuer Shuangyang River Basin Ⅰ5 4.83 Second Songhua River Basin Ⅱ 1.65 Second Songhua River Basin Ⅱ1 1.65 Main stream of the Songhua River Basin Ⅲ 4.93 Hulan Tongken River Basin Ⅲ1 2.42 Lalin Ashi River Basin Ⅲ2 2.51 Middle and deep Quaternary pore confined water Ⅳ 13.07 Low Plains Ⅳ1 6.89 High Plains Ⅳ2 6.18 Taikang Group Ⅳ3 4.46 Neogene fissure-pore confined water Ⅴ 2.28 Da'an Group Ⅴ1 2.28 Paleogene fissure-pore confined water Ⅵ 2.42 Yi'an Group Ⅵ1 2.42 Cretaceous pore-fissure confined water Ⅶ Cretaceous Table 2. Average annual volume of the shallow groundwater resources in the Songnen Plain (2000–2020)
Groundwater system Area/km2 Natural resources
/109 m3Natural resource modulus
/104 m3/km2·aMining resources
/109 m3Mining resource modulus
/104 m3/km2·aName Code Huolin River Basin Ⅰ1 25 712.59 0.93 3.62 0.699 0.272 Taoer River Basin Ⅰ2 17 373.96 2.637 15.18 2.280 1.312 Yalu Arun Nuomin River Basin Ⅰ3 10 970.19 1.487 13.56 1.130 1.03 Upper Nen River Basin Ⅰ4 15 485.31 1.148 7.42 0.880 0.569 Wuyuer Shuangyang River Basin Ⅰ5 48 275.28 4.084 8.46 2.371 0.491 Second Songhua River Basin Ⅱ1 16 483.87 1.297 7.87 1.102 0.668 Hulan Tongken river basin Ⅲ1 24 184.92 2.094 8.66 1.230 0.508 Lalin Ashi River Basin Ⅲ2 25 096.25 2.268 9.04 1.554 0.619 Total 183 582.37 15.945 8.69 11.246 0.613 Table 3. Comparison of Precipitation infiltration in three evaluations/109 m3
Evaluation year 1985 2004 2020 Precipitation infiltration 11.722 11.158 11.654 Groundwater resources 14.821 13.181 15.945 Proportion of groundwater resources/% 79.09 84.65 73.09 Note:Historical data source: Investigation and evaluation report on groundwater resources and environmental problems in Songnen Plain, comprehensive evaluation report on hydrogeology and engineering geology in Songnen Plain (Zhang et al. 1985). Table 4. Comparison of surface water irrigation infiltration in three evaluations/109 m3
Evaluation year 1985 2005 2020 Surface water irrigation infiltration 0.443 0.841 2.320 Proportion of groundwater resources/% 2.99 6.38 14.55 Table 5. Infiltration of rivers and channels in three evaluations/109 m3
Evaluation year 1985 2005 2020 Infiltration of rivers and channels 2.315 0.904 1.646 Proportion of groundwater resources/% 15.62 6.86 10.32 Table 6. Change and contribution rate of groundwater recharge
Item Change in value/108 m3 Contribution rate/% 1985–2020 2005–2020 1985–2020 2005–2020 Precipitation infiltration −0.68 4.96 2.58 17.95 Groundwater inflow −0.17 0.48 0.65 1.74 Rivers and channels infiltration −6.69 7.41 25.42 26.81 Surface water irrigation infiltration 18.78 14.79 71.35 53.51 Groundwater resources 11.24 27.64 -
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