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Geothermal anomalies in the Xianshuihe area: Implications for tunnel construction along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, China

Feng Liu Wei Zhang Gui-ling Wang Shuai-chao Wei Chen Yue Guang-zheng Jiang Yu-zhong Liao

Liu F, Zhang W, Wang GL, et al. 2023. Geothermal anomalies in the Xianshuihe area: Implications for tunnel construction along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, China. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 11(3): 237-248 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2023.9280020
Citation: Liu F, Zhang W, Wang GL, et al. 2023. Geothermal anomalies in the Xianshuihe area: Implications for tunnel construction along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, China. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 11(3): 237-248 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2023.9280020

doi: 10.26599/JGSE.2023.9280020

Geothermal anomalies in the Xianshuihe area: Implications for tunnel construction along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, China

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  • Figure  1.  Distribution of faults with geothermal activity and geothermal manifestations in the Xianshuihe fault zone

    - Zhonggu hot spring group;- Qisehai hot spring group;- Reshuitang hot spring group;- Erdaoqiao hot spring;- Lucheng hot spring group;- Zheduotang hot spring;- Tangniba hot spring;- Kangding Tunnel No. 1;- Kangding Tunnel No. 2;- Yalahe fault;- Selaha fault;- Southern Mugecuo fault;- Zheduotang fault;- Yunongxi fault

    Figure  2.  Comparison between the temperature curves of representative boreholes with conductive temperature rise ((a) and (b)) and temperature curves of boreholes with convective temperature rise (c)

    (a)SK-ZDS-2; (b) ZDS-02; (c) ZK1 and ZK2 (Zhang et al. 2019)

    Figure  3.  Profile schematically showing the lithologies of Kangding Tunnels No. 1 and No. 2

    1-Tangniba fault; 2- Yulongxi fault; 3- Huiyuan Temple-Lejipu fault; 4- Jinlong Temple-Mozigou fault; 5- Zheduotang branch fault; 6- Daxueshan-Nonggeshan fault; 7- Sandaoqiaogou fault; 8- Yalagou fault. ①- Tangniba hot spring;②- Zheduotang hot spring; ③- Yaochi hot spring;④- Erdaoqiao hot spring

    Figure  4.  Isothermal map of predicted rock temperatures for tunnel faces of Kangding Tunnels No. 1 and No. 2 of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway

    1- Ultra-high-temperature zone (T > 60°C); 2- High-temperature zone (50‒60°C); 3- Moderately high-temperature zone (37‒50°C); 4- Slightly high-temperature zone (28‒37°C); 5- Constant temperature zone (T < 28°C); ①- Yunongxi fault;②- Zheduotang fault; ③- Southern Mugecuo fault;④- Selaha fault;⑤- Yalahe fault;

    Table  1.   Statistics of thermal conductivity of major lithologies in Xianshuihe geothermal anomalous area

    Lithology Sample quantity Variation range of thermal conductivity / W/m·K Mean thermal conductivity / W/m·K Comment
    Quartz sandstone 23 1.48–5.15 3.33 Core samples from SK-ZDS-02
    Limestone 8 2.29–3.44 2.99 Core samples from ZDS-2
    Biotite 9 2.28–2.65 2.40 Core samples from ZDS-1
    Lithic sandstone 3 3.38–3.9 3.64 Surface rock samples
    Slate 4 2.05–2.43 2.20 Surfaces rock samples
    Gneiss 16 1.64–4.68 2.70 Surface rock samples
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    Table  2.   Calculation results of terrestrial heat-flow values in the surroundings of Kangding City

    No. Borehole Survey section depth/m Geothermal gradient
    / °C/km
    Average thermal conductivity Terrestrial heat flow
    / mW/m2
    Sample quantity Data quality
    1 ZDS-2 50‒200 21.3±0.21 2.99 64.7±0.6 9 A
    2 SK-ZDS-02 100‒800 24.0±0.05 3.33 80.0±0.2 23 A
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    Table  3.   Characteristics of hot springs around faults in the study area

    Fault Hot spring
    Location Elevation
    Flow rate
    Major lithology
    Yalahe fault Erdaoqiao hot spring group Erdaoqiao of Kangding City 2 620.05 37.2 36 Late Yanshanian migmatite
    Reshuitang hot spring group Low-lying area near the road on the opposite bank of Reshuitang in Yala Town, Kangding City. 3 014.12 25 1.35 Quartz sandstone, slate
    Reshuitang, Yala Town, Kangding City 3 018.17 44.0‒45.2 0.14 Quartz sandstone, slate
    Reshuitang, Yala Town, Kangding City 3 011.25 40.2‒61.3 0.19 Quartz sandstone, slate
    Reshuitang, Yala Town, Kangding City 3 048.43 46.2 0.84 Quartz sandstone, slate
    Zhonggu hot spring group Zhonggu Village, Yala Town, Kangding City 3 074.32 37.2 0.137 Quartz sandstone, slate
    Right bank of Zhonggu Village, Yala Town, Kangding City 3 065.21 62.3 0.601 Quartz sandstone, slate
    Zhonggu Village, Yala Town, Kangding City 3 076.35 47.2 1.285 Quartz sandstone, slate
    Zhonggu Village, Yala Town, Kangding City 3 095.11 48.3 0.094 Quartz sandstone, slate
    Right bank of Yala River in Dagai Village, Yala Town, Kangding City 3 103.14 37.1 1.901 Quartz sandstone, slate
    Dagai, Yala Town, Kangding City 3 102.31 42.0‒47.2 0.641 Quartz sandstone, slate
    Mouth of Xiaolongbu ravine in Dagai Village, Yala Town, Kangding City 3 109.17 25.3 0.4 Quartz sandstone, slate
    Terrace on the right bank of Yala River in Dagai Village, Yala Town, Kangding City 3 124.26 33.1‒40.3 1.8 Quartz sandstone, silty slate
    Right bank of Yala River in Longbu, Dagai Village, Yala Town, Kangding City 3 214.23 29.0‒32.1 2.1 Biotite granite
    Selaha fault Qisehai hot spring Niuwogou, Kangding City 3 408 32 / Late Yanshanian biotite granite
    Yaochi hot spring Niuwogou, Kangding City 3 588 67 0.05 Late Yanshanian biotite granite
    Zheduotang fault Zheduotang hot spring Zheduotang, Kangding City 3 296 38.5 / Late Yanshanian biotite granite
    Yunongxi fault Tangniba hot spring Tangniba, Kangding City 4 041 54 / Late Yanshanian biotite granite
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