Simulation of thermal breakthrough factors affecting carbonate geothermal-to-well systems
Abstract: Fractures play a pivotal role in carbonate thermal storage systems, serving as primary hydraulic conductivity channels that significantly influence thermal breakthrough times and heat extraction efficiency in geothermal-to-well systems. Their impact is critical for well placement and system life prediction. This paper focuses on a geothermal-to-well system within the carbonate reservoir of the Wumishan formation in the Rongcheng geothermal field, Xiong'an new area. It employs a combination of field tests and numerical simulations to determine the permeability of the reservoir and the evolution of fractures between wells. It also examines the influence of fracture width and roughness coefficient on the seepage and temperature fields under various injection scenarios and predicts thermal breakthrough times for production wells. The results show: Higher permeability is observed near well D16 compared to well D22 within the studied geothermal-to-well systems. Wider fractures between wells result in faster temperature decline in production wells. Lower injection flow rates lead to slower temperature reduction in injection wells. The use of roughness coefficients minimizes temperature variations in production wells. This study not only offers guidance for the development and utilization of the geothermal well system, but also contributes to a deeper understanding of the groundwater seepage and heat transfer process influenced by fractures.
Key words:
- Geothermal recharge /
- Influencing factor /
- Thermal breakthrough /
- Seepage field /
- Temperature field
Table 1. Basic information on geothermal wells
Well number Design well depth Actual well depth Thermal reservoir Thermal storage thickness Wumishan formation well trail D16 3,000 m 3,003.24 m Wumishan+Gaoyuzhuang 2,023.24 m 215.9 mm D22 3,500 m 3,517.8 m Wumishan+Gaoyuzhuang 2,537.8 m 311.1 mm Table 2. Model parameter values
Lamination Parametric Thermal conductivity
W/m·KPorosity Density
kg/m3Constant-pressure heat capacity
J/kg·KFluid compressibility
1/PaKinetic viscosity
Pa·sD16 upper section 5.80 0.00312 2,850 861 0.0001 0.001 D16 lower section 5.13 0.00194 2,840 845 0.0001 0.001 D22 5.80 0.00978 2,850 861 0.0001 0.001 water 0.68 - 1,000 4,200 0.0001 0.001 Table 3. Values for parameter sensitivity analysis
Parameters Retrieve value Unit Fracture width ($ {d}_{f} $) 3 mm 6 mm 12 mm Roughness coefficient ($ {f}_{f} $) 1.6 - 3.2 - 4.8 - Injection flow rate 165 m3/h 120 m3/h 100 m3/h -
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