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Characterization of rock thermophysical properties and factors affecting thermal conductivity−A case study of Datong Basin, China

Meng-lei Ji Shuai-chao Wei Wei Zhang Feng Liu Yu-zhong Liao Ruo-xi Yuan Xiao-xue Yan Long Li

Ji ML, Wei SC, Zhang W, et al. 2024. Characterization of rock thermophysical properties and factors affecting thermal conductivity−A case study of Datong Basin, China. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 12(1): 4-15 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280002
Citation: Ji ML, Wei SC, Zhang W, et al. 2024. Characterization of rock thermophysical properties and factors affecting thermal conductivity−A case study of Datong Basin, China. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 12(1): 4-15 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280002

doi: 10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280002

Characterization of rock thermophysical properties and factors affecting thermal conductivity−A case study of Datong Basin, China

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  • Figure  2.  NW-SE geologic structure profile of Datong Basin (The profile position is shown in Fig. 1C, quated from Pan et al. 2022)

    Notes: 1-Archaic Sanggan Group; 2-Cambrian; 3-Ordovician; 4-Carboniferous series; 5-Permian system; 6-Lower Jurassic cohorts; 7-Yungang Group of Middle Jurassic; 8-Neogene lower member of Kezhai Formation; 9-Neogene middle section of Kezhai Formation; 10-Neogene Kezhai Formation upper member; 11-Neogene Nanyulin Formation; 12-Quaternary system; 13-Reverse fault; 14-Normal fault; 15-Thermal reservoir

    Figure  1.  Location of the study area and distribution of sampling points

    Figure  3.  Hot Disk TPS1500 thermal constant analyzer and processed sample.

    Figure  4.  Thermal conductivity box patterns of different lithologies in Datong Basin

    Notes: The serial number of horizontal coordinate is expressed respectively: 1-tuff; 2-tuffaceous breccia; 3-basalt; 4-diabase; 5-monzonitic granite; 6-granite; 7-metagranulite; 8-granulite; 9-schist; 10-gneiss; 11-marble; 12-metamorphic granite; 13-mudstone; 14-limestone; 15-siltstone; 16-shale; 17-marl; 18-sandstone; 19-pebbly sandstone; 20-dolomite; 21-Soil (dry); 22-Soil (saturated)

    Figure  5.  Box diagram of rock thermal diffusivity in Datong Basin.

    Notes: The serial number of horizontal coordinate is expressed respectively: 1-tuff; 2-tuffaceous breccia; 3-basalt; 4-diabase; 5-monzonitic granite; 6-granite; 7-granulite; 8-metagranulite; 9-schist; 10-gneiss; 11-marble; 12-metamorphic granite; 13-mudstone; 14-limestone; 15-fine sandstone; 16-shale; 17-marl; 18-sandstone; 19-pebbly sandstone; 20-dolomite

    Figure  6.  Relationship between thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of rock

    Figure  7.  Box diagram of specific heat capacity of rocks in Datong Basin.

    Notes: The X axis represents: 1-tuff; 2-basalt; 3-diabase; 4-monzonitic granite; 5-granite; 6-granulite; 7-metagranulite; 8-schist; 9-gneiss; 10-metamorphic granite; 11-mudstone; 12-limestone; 13-fine sandstone; 14-shale; 15-marl; 16-sandstone; 17-dolomite

    Figure  8.  Relation between thermal conductivity and temperature of rocks.

    Figure  9.  Temperature measurement curve and ground temperature gradient ladder diagram of well DR1

    Figure  10.  Relationship between thermal conductivity and temperature of CaM (Meng et al. 2022)

    Figure  11.  Relation between thermal conductivity and density of rocks.

    Figure  12.  Thermal conductivity of rocks under dry and water-saturated conditions

    Notes: The serial number of horizontal coordinate is expressed respectively: 1-schist; 2-gneiss; 3-limestone; 4-limestone; 5-sandstone; 6-monzonitic granite; 7-dolomite; 8-gneiss; 9-mudstone; 10-sandstone; 11-sandstone; 12-sandstone; 13-pebbly sandstone; 14-dolomite (The upper corner marks represent different rock samples of the same lithology)

    Table  1.   Comparison between thermal conductivity of different lithologies and other areas of North China Craton

    LithologyDatong basin W/(m·K)
    (This text)
    Ordos Basin
    (Sun et al. 1996)
    Qingshui Basin
    (Sun et al. 2006; Qi, 2021)
    Jizhong Depression
    (Su, 2021; Gao, 2023)
    Fine sandstone2.997(1)2.260±0.740(18)
    Notes: Number of samples is shown in brackets
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    Table  2.   Data of rock thermal conductivity at different temperatures

    Sample NumberTemperature/°C
    TZX-5Metamonzonite granite3.0553.0012.9962.8922.7332.6032.55416
    DTA-6Monzonitic granite2.2642.2642.2542.2462.2092.1532.1196
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    Table  3.   Temperature correction formula of rock thermal conductivity in Datong Basin

    Sample NumberLithologyCorrection formulaR2
    GLX-10Dolomiteλ(T) = −0.0163(T−T0)+λ(T0)0.895
    GLX-2Shaleλ(T) = −0.0069(T−T0)+λ(T0)0.918
    GLX-8Limestoneλ(T) = −0.0034(T−T0)+λ(T0)0.981
    TZX-5Metamonzonite graniteλ(T) = −0.0033(T−T0)+λ(T0)0.965
    DTA-6Monzonitic graniteλ(T) = −0.0008(T−T0)+λ(T0)0.918
    DTB-1Gneissλ(T) = −0.0008(T−T0)+λ(T0)0.979
    Note: λ(T0) refers to the thermal conductivity value at room temperature and pressure.
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