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Assessment of groundwater suitability for different activities in Toshka district, south Egypt

Marwa M Aly Shymaa AK Fayad Ahmed MI Abd Elhamid

Aly Marwa M, Fayad Shymaa AK, Abd Elhamid Ahmed MI. 2024. Assessment of groundwater suitability for different activities in Toshka district, south Egypt. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 12(1): 34-48 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280004
Citation: Aly Marwa M, Fayad Shymaa AK, Abd Elhamid Ahmed MI. 2024. Assessment of groundwater suitability for different activities in Toshka district, south Egypt. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 12(1): 34-48 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280004

doi: 10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280004

Assessment of groundwater suitability for different activities in Toshka district, south Egypt

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  • Figure  1.  Study area's map showing wells location where samples are collected.

    Figure  2.  Hydrological cross-sections of the NSA within the Toshka region.

    Figure  3.  A sample of a groundwater well lithological description.

    Figure  4.  Groundwater samples Classifications based on Piper Diagram

    Figure  5.  Spatial distribution of irrigation quality parameters Na%, SAR, RSC, MH, KR and PI

    Figure  6.  Doneen's classification for irrigation water based on permeability Index.

    Figure  7.  Wilcox diagram for the groundwater samples in Toshka area

    Figure  8.  Spatial distribution of WQI for domestic.

    Figure  9.  Spatial distribution of WQI for Irrigation.

    Table  1.   Weight (wi) and relative weight (Wi) of groundwater parameters used for arithmetic-WQI estimation (Drinking)

    ParameterStandard WHO Weight (wi)Relative weights (Wi)
    $ \sum {} $321
    下载: 导出CSV

    Table  2.   Weight (wi) and relative weight (Wi) of groundwater parameters used for arithmetic-WQI estimation (Irrigation)

    ParameterStandard FAOWeight (wi)Relative weights (Wi)
    $ \sum {} $261
    下载: 导出CSV

    Table  3.   Hydrochemical coefficients calculated for the 52 water samples.

    Mg2+/Ca2+Cl/sum of AnionsWellNa+/
    Cl/Sum of anions
    下载: 导出CSV

    Table  4.   Descriptive statics of groundwater parameters in Toshka area and WHO guidelines

    ParameterMinimumMaximumMeanStandard deviationWHO allowable limit
    下载: 导出CSV

    Table  5.   Classification of groundwater samples of Toshka area for irrigation purposes

    ParametersRangeClassificationNo. of samplesSample%
    EC (µS/cm)
    Todd 1982)
    <250 Excellent / /
    250–750 Good 7 13.5%
    750–2,250 Permissible 45 86.5%
    2,250–5,000 Doubtful / /
    >5,000 Unsuitable / /
    TDS < 1000 Non saline 52 100%
    1000–3000 Slightly saline / /
    3000–10,000 Moderately saline / /
    > 10000 Very saline / /
    %Na 0–20 Excellent / /
    20–40 Good 1 2%
    40–60 Permissible 51 98%
    60–80 Doubtful / /
    <80 Unsuitable / /
    RSC >1.25 Good 52 100%
    1.25–2.5 Doubtful / /
    <2.5 Unsuitable / /
    MH <50% Suitable 50 96%
    >50% Unsuitable 2 4%
    KR <1 Suitable 46 88.5%
    >1 Unsuitable 6 11.5%
    下载: 导出CSV

    Table  6.   Classification of irrigation water based on SAR values

    Level(SAR)QualityWater classNo. of samplesSample%
    S10–10Low sodiumExcellent52100%
    S210–18Medium sodiumGood//
    S318–26High sodiumFair//
    S4< 26Very high sodiumPoor//
    下载: 导出CSV

    Table  7.   Classification of irrigation water based on PI

    PIWater qualityClassificationNo. of samplesSample (%)PI
    >75Class IGood5096%>75
    75–25Class IIModerate24%75–25
    <25Class IIIPoor//<25
    下载: 导出CSV

    Table  8.   Hardness classification of water

    THClassificationNo. of samplesSample (%)
    75−150Moderately hard//
    Over 300Very hard//
    下载: 导出CSV

    Table  9.   Results of WQI for domestic.

    WQI rangeType of waterNo. of samplesSample (%)
    <50Excellent water//
    50–100Good water52100
    100–200Poor water//
    200–300Very poor water//
    >300Unsuitable water//
    下载: 导出CSV

    Table  10.   Results of WQI for Irrigation.

    WQI rangeType of waterNo. of samplesSample (%)
    <50Excellent water52100
    50–100Good water____
    100–200Poor water____
    200–300Very poor water____
    >300Unsuitable water____
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