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Identified the hydrochemical and the sulfur cycle process in subsidence area of Pingyu mining area using multi-isotopes combined with hydrochemistry methods

Hui-Meng Su Fa-Wang Zhang Jing-Yu Hu Jin-Feng Lei Wei Zuo Bo Yang Yu-Hua Liu

Su HM, Zhang FW, Hu JY, et al. 2024. Identified the hydrochemical and the sulfur cycle process in subsidence area of Pingyu mining area using multi-isotopes combined with hydrochemistry methods. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 12(1): 62-77 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280006
Citation: Su HM, Zhang FW, Hu JY, et al. 2024. Identified the hydrochemical and the sulfur cycle process in subsidence area of Pingyu mining area using multi-isotopes combined with hydrochemistry methods. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 12(1): 62-77 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280006

doi: 10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280006

Identified the hydrochemical and the sulfur cycle process in subsidence area of Pingyu mining area using multi-isotopes combined with hydrochemistry methods

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  • Figure  1.  Map of geological geomorphology and sampling points in the study area

    Figure  2.  Hydrogeological profile (2008) of the study area

    Figure  3.  Piper diagram showing the chemical compositions of the groundwater

    Figure  4.  Box plot of isotope in the Study Area ((a) D; (b) 18O-H2O; (c) 34S- SO4; (d) 18O-H2O versus D values of the water samples in reference to the GMWL and LMWL)

    Figure  5.  End-element diagram of water chemistry in the study area ((a) Gibbs diagram; (b) Mg2+/Na+ and Ca2+/Na+molar ratio end element diagram)

    Figure  6.  Hydrochemical ion ratio in the study area

    Figure  7.  Relationship between 34S-SO4 and SO42−

    Figure  8.  Water level lines for karst water in mining areas and surrounding subsidence areas

    Table  1.   Hydrochemical parameters and PHREEQC calculation results of water samples in the study area

    Surface water XF 7.15 5.45 19.35 46.53 26.13 20.74 73.20 223.62 6.86 20.12 310.64 0.00 −0.24 −0.38
    YL 7.19 3.70 4.07 43.09 10.45 15.95 23.65 139.00 4.86 7.44 175.55 0.00 −0.38 −1.02
    NT 7.22 12.00 17.44 67.21 26.13 25.52 61.28 290.10 12.70 24.49 368.10 0.00 0.09 0.11
    XS 7.25 9.12 15.10 86.17 29.26 35.10 83.16 314.27 16.55 5.36 432.17 0.00 0.24 0.35
    HS 7.28 9.38 16.10 39.64 15.68 38.29 13.50 181.31 1.30 5.89 225.28 0.00 −0.22 −0.50
    BS 7.30 11.17 68.88 89.62 27.17 82.95 203.80 229.66 34.81 3.30 634.39 0.00 0.13 0.07
    YH 7.33 6.56 42.06 151.66 36.58 118.05 237.70 271.96 53.42 16.48 782.56 0.00 0.42 0.56
    HTL 7.35 4.36 11.46 44.81 19.86 35.10 68.60 145.05 1.29 6.41 258.43 0.00 −0.22 −0.45
    MG 7.37 4.05 10.54 51.70 22.99 31.91 81.72 169.22 1.04 3.04 289.07 0.00 −0.08 −0.18
    LFS 7.40 8.74 13.55 44.81 19.86 38.29 48.26 169.22 1.09 1.24 259.60 0.00 −0.10 −0.21
    LT 7.45 3.51 9.33 65.49 17.77 41.48 87.04 145.05 6.00 0.20 303.63 0.00 0.03 −0.18
    LW 7.47 4.32 18.02 77.55 17.77 57.43 101.60 169.22 13.60 0.20 375.37 0.00 0.17 0.03
    YW 7.49 4.89 24.01 67.21 26.13 82.95 116.20 145.05 <0.88 0.20 394.33 0.00 0.05 0.03
    ZT 7.52 13.42 58.90 162.00 22.99 264.81 98.12 193.40 5.38 10.93 723.37 0.00 0.53 0.56
    Pore water ZK3 7.23 3.84 20.71 99.96 34.49 63.81 48.84 338.45 31.15 19.14 472.64 55.00 0.31 0.50
    ZK2 7.35 4.97 14.92 133.07 42.78 72.99 82.75 364.34 94.25 30.71 651.66 55.00 0.54 0.94
    ZK7 7.22 1.89 11.54 72.14 23.33 8.69 23.68 332.66 22.30 22.48 347.62 100.00 0.19 0.23
    ZK9 7.36 0.13 15.44 134.43 31.35 60.62 52.66 350.53 76.20 23.24 546.47 70.00 0.56 0.83
    ZK11 7.22 1.10 20.18 105.13 22.99 33.50 86.68 320.31 31.15 18.19 461.31 200.00 0.30 0.27
    ZK13 7.26 4.08 19.57 98.24 31.35 54.24 55.82 350.53 37.00 17.45 475.93 190.33 0.35 0.54
    ZK12 7.29 3.48 25.48 84.45 21.95 25.52 50.60 362.62 3.51 21.16 396.74 132.06 0.35 0.45
    ZK16 7.32 7.77 13.87 82.73 11.50 31.91 28.83 253.83 26.68 14.59 330.69 241.00 0.24 −0.04
    Karstic water SMH 7.30 3.94 26.90 98.56 43.56 159.53 63.60 229.66 43.50 21.98 554.76 300.00 0.20 0.38
    MZ-1 7.32 0.99 11.93 95.22 26.34 35.10 75.55 296.14 28.71 16.12 422.23 400.00 0.33 0.44
    ZK17 7.30 3.89 17.72 73.50 23.30 24.57 23.95 380.18 8.44 18.50 365.84 371.00 0.33 0.50
    PY-X 7.35 5.81 32.84 79.28 29.26 28.71 61.30 308.23 14.96 25.81 406.79 800.00 0.30 0.52
    PY-D 7.38 7.77 33.58 67.21 29.26 22.33 61.32 302.18 7.98 27.63 381.23 800.00 0.26 0.50
    ZK19 7.30 3.38 12.90 130.30 12.16 45.62 39.76 364.34 31.12 19.45 458.02 259.80 0.53 0.37
    DC-3 7.28 2.73 13.84 91.88 35.46 44.67 76.20 332.40 17.96 21.61 449.33 300.00 0.32 0.56
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    Table  2.   Hydrochemical types in Pingyu Mining area

    TypeHydrochemical typeAmountProportion(%)
    Pore water HCO3—Ca·Mg 6 42.86
    HCO3·SO4—Ca·Mg 4 28.57
    SO4·HCO3—Ca 1 7.14
    SO4·HCO3—Ca·Na 1 7.14
    SO4·HCO3·Cl—Ca·Mg 1 7.14
    Cl—Ca 1 7.14
    Pore water HCO3—Ca·Mg 6 75.00
    HCO3—Ca 2 25.00
    Karstic water HCO3—Ca·Mg 5 71.43
    HCO3—Ca 1 14.29
    Cl·HCO3—Ca·Mg 1 14.29
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    Table  3.   Correlation analysis table

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    Table  4.   Eigenvectors of the 3 PCs.

    Variance percentage (%)45.01619.12114.482
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