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Development status and prospect of underground thermal energy storage technology

Ying-nan Zhang Yan-guang Liu Kai Bian Guo-qiang Zhou Xin Wang Mei-hua Wei

Zhang YN, Liu YG, Bian K, et al. 2024. Development status and prospect of underground thermal energy storage technology. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 12(1): 92-108 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280008
Citation: Zhang YN, Liu YG, Bian K, et al. 2024. Development status and prospect of underground thermal energy storage technology. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 12(1): 92-108 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280008

doi: 10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280008

Development status and prospect of underground thermal energy storage technology

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  • Figure  1.  Schematic representation of the most common UTES systems. Adapted from (Lee, 2013; Matos et al. 2019)

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of BTES system: (a) boreholes distribution plan view; (b) single borehole configuration (Zhang et al. 2012)

    Figure  3.  HWTES system (Xu et al. 2014)

    Figure  4.  GWTES system (Pfeil and Koch, 2000)

    Table  1.   International application cases of ATES

    YearCountryPurposeFacilityWell depth (m)Well numberTemperature (°C)Capacity (MW)Reference
    2000GermanyH+CBuilding3201219/Holstenkamp et al. 2017
    2001SwedenH+CExpo architecture7510/1.3Andersson, 2007
    2004GermanyHTDistrict heating1,2502553.3Holstenkamp et al. 2017
    2008AmericaCUniversity606/2Paksoy, 2009
    2013ChinaH+CResearch Center//2.3/Yao et al. 2023
    2013BritainH+CApartments708/2.9Fleuchaus et al. 2018
    2015NetherlandH+CDistrict heating/7/20Fleuchaus et al. 2018
    2015DenmarkH+CAirport11010/5Larsen and Sonderberg, 2015
    2016ChinaH+Cfactory/2/43Zhang et al. 2021b
    Note: H is Heat; C is Cool.
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    Table  2.   Application cases of BTES system technology worldwide

    YearCountryPurposeFacilityNumber of pipesDepth (m)Reference
    2004CanadaH+CUniversity384213Dincer and Rosen, 2007
    2007GermanyHschool8055Mangold, 2007
    2011ChinaH+CCommercial center3,789120Yin and Wu, 2018
    2012DenmarkHDistrict heating4845Gehlin, 2016
    2015RomaniaH+CResearch center1,080125Gehlin, 2016
    2016ChinaH+CDistrict heating46880Xu et al. 2018
    2019ChinaH+CAirport10,680140/120He et al. 2022
    2020ChinaH+CHospital1,320120Wang et al. 2023
    Note: H is Heat; C is Cool.
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    Table  3.   Comparison of thermal energy storage systems (Rad and Fung, 2016; Schmidt et al. 2003)

    Storage medium Ground material/water Ground material Gravel-water Water
    Heat capacity
    (kW h/m3)
    30–40 15–30 30–50 60–80
    Storage volume for (1 m3 of water equivalent) 2–3 3–5 1.3–2 1
    Geological requirement · Natural aquifer layer with high hydraulic conductivity;
    · Confining layers on top and below;
    · No or low natural groundwater flow;
    · Suitable water chemistry at high temperatures;
    · Aquifer thickness 20–50 m
    · Drillable ground;
    · Groundwater favorable;
    · High heat capacity;
    · High thermal conductivity;
    · Low hydraulic conductivity;
    · Natural groundwater flow <1 m/s;
    · 30–100 m deep
    · Stable ground conditions;
    · Preferably no groundwater;
    · 5–15 m deep
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    Table  4.   Common numerical simulation software for UTES and its characteristics (Gao et al. 2017)

    CodeNumerical schemeCharacteristic and application conditions
    VS2DH Finite difference 2-D;constant density fluid; variably saturated porous media; single phase fluid flow
    FEHM Control volume finite element 3-D;for multiphase flow of heat and mass with air, water, and CO2
    MT3DMS Finite difference 3-D;always coupled with MODFLOW; simulating heat transport due to the analogy between heat and mass transfer processes
    FEFLOW Finite element 3-D; able to incorporate spatially variable aquifer properties, geologic layering, and screening of pumping/injection wells over multiple intervals
    TOUGH2 Integral finite differences 3-D;variably saturated porous and fractured media; coupled transport of water, vapor, noncondensable gas, and heat
    FLUENT Finite volume 3-D;useful in fluid flow, heat transfer, chemical reaction etc.
    COMSOL Finite element 3-D;multiphysics; different module
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    Table  5.   Energy conservation and emission reduction indicators (Zhou et al. 2022)

    Energy conservation Cumulative cooling load per unit air conditioning area $ {Q}_{c}={a}_{c}{q}_{c}{t}_{c} $ Kwh/m2
    Cumulative heat load per unit air conditioning area $ {Q}_{h}={a}_{h}{q}_{h}{t}_{h} $ Kwh/m2
    The modified cumulative cooling load of the building $ {Q}_{r}=\dfrac{(1-1/{\varepsilon }_{h})}{(1+1/{\varepsilon }_{c})}{Q}_{h} $ Kwh/m2
    Energy savings during the cooling season $ \Delta {\mathrm{E}}_{\mathrm{c}}=\mathrm{D}{\mathrm{Q}}_{\mathrm{r}}\left(\dfrac{1}{{\mathrm{\varepsilon }}_{\mathrm{t}}}-\dfrac{1}{{\mathrm{\varepsilon }}_{\mathrm{c}}}\right) $ kgce/m2
    Energy savings during the heating season $ \Delta {\mathrm{E}}_{\mathrm{h}}=\dfrac{3,600{\mathrm{Q}}_{\mathrm{h}}}{{\mathrm{q}}_{\mathrm{b}\mathrm{m}}{\mathrm{\eta }}_{\mathrm{t}}}-\dfrac{\mathrm{D}{\mathrm{Q}}_{\mathrm{h}}}{{\mathrm{\epsilon }}_{\mathrm{h}}} $ kgce/m2
    Annual energy savings $ \Delta \mathrm{E}=\Delta {\mathrm{E}}_{\mathrm{c}}+\Delta {\mathrm{E}}_{\mathrm{h}} $ kgce/m2
    Annual electricity savings $ \Delta \mathrm{P}=\dfrac{\Delta \mathrm{E}}{\mathrm{D}} $ Kwh/m2
    Emission reduction CO2 emission reduction $ {Q}_{{CO}_{2}}={Q}_{s}\times {V}_{{CO}_{2}} $ t/a
    SO2 emission reduction $ {Q}_{{SO}_{2}}={Q}_{s}\times {V}_{{SO}_{2}} $ t/a
    Dust emission reduction $ {Q}_{fc}={Q}_{s}\times {V}_{fc} $ t/a
    Note : $ {a}_{c} $ and $ {a}_{h} $ are the adjustment coefficients of cooling load and heating load respectively, and they are both 0.52; $ {q}_{c} $ and $ {q}_{h} $ are the cooling load in summer and heating load in winter respectively, W/m; $ {t}_{c} $ and $ {t}_{h} $ are the operating time of cooling in summer and heating in winter respectively, h; $ {\epsilon }_{c} $ and $ {\epsilon }_{h} $ are the energy efficiency ratio of refrigeration and heating of underground energy storage system; $ {\mathrm{\epsilon }}_{\mathrm{t}} $ is the energy efficiency ratio of conventional air conditioning refrigeration; $ {\mathrm{\eta }}_{\mathrm{t}} $ is the operating efficiency of coal-fired boilers; $ {\mathrm{q}}_{\mathrm{b}\mathrm{m}} $ is the calorific value of standard coal, taking 29,307 kJ /kg; D is equivalent to the consumption of standard coal per kwh, 0.327 kgce/kwh; $ {Q}_{s} $ is conventional energy replacement quantity, tce/a; $ {V}_{{CO}_{2}} $, $ {V}_{{SO}_{2}} $ and $ {V}_{fc} $ are the emission intensity of CO2, SO2 and dust respectively, which are 2.47 t/tce, 0.02 t/tce and 0.01 t/tce, respectively. 2; The buried tube heat exchanger is designed for heating conditions in winter, and auxiliary cold source is used for peak regulation in summer, so that the heat extraction to the underground in winter and the heat storage to the underground in summer are basically balanced. Therefore, when calculating energy saving, the summer load is modified based on the winter load to ensure the balance of heat absorption and emission in winter and summer.
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