Characteristics and genesis of groundwater salinization in coastal areas of the Lower Reaches of Oujiang Basin
Abstract: The coastal areas of the lower reaches of Oujiang River Basin are rich in groundwater resources. However, the unsustainable exploitation and utilization of groundwater have led to significant changes in the groundwater environment. Understanding the characteristics and genesis of groundwater salinization is crucial for preventing its deterioration and ensuring sustainable utilization. In this study, a comprehensive approach combining the ion ratio method, mineral saturation index method and multivariate statistical analysis was employed to investigate the hydrochemical characteristics and main controlling factors in the study area. The findings reveal that: (1) Groundwater samples in study area exhibit a neutral to slightly alkaline pH. The predominant chemical types of unconfined water are HCO3-Ca·Na, HCO3·Cl-Na·Ca and HCO3·SO4-Ca·Na, while confined water mainly exhibits Cl·HCO3-Na and Cl-Na types. (2) Salinity coefficients indicate an increase in salinity from unconfined to confined water. TDS, Na+ and Cl– concentrations show an increasing trend from mountainous to coastal areas in unconfined water, while confined water displays variability in TDS, Na+ and Cl– concentrations. (3) Groundwater salinity is mainly influenced by water-rock interactions, including the dissolution of halite and gypsum, cation exchange, and seawater intrusion etc. Additionally, human activities and carbonate dissolution contribute to salinity in unconfined water. Seawater intrusion is identified as the primary factor leading to higher salinity in confined water compared to unconfined water, with increasing cation exchange and seawater interaction observed from unconfined to confined water.
Key words:
- Hydrochemical /
- Multivariate statistical analysis /
- Seawater intrusion
Table 1. Statistics on the content of chemical indices of unconfined and confined water in the lower reaches of Oujiang Basin
Groundwater type pH TDS K+ Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl– HCO3– SO42– NO3––N Br– mg·L–1 Standard 6.5–8.5 1,000 \(1) 200 \ \ 250 \ 250 20 \ Unconfined water Min 6.36 60 1.63 5.65 5.53 1.12 3.36 24.14 5.05 ND(2) ND Max 8.81 2,254 122.00 607.50 94.03 100.06 950.41 889.87 65.26 7.44 1.41 Mean 7.05 350 15.00 70.39 30.74 13.81 88.45 181.81 24.07 2.06 0.17 Median 6.90 148 5.36 17.46 21.20 4.22 17.29 85.51 20.69 1.71 0.00 SD 0.60 457 24.54 127.59 21.57 21.33 195.26 208.52 17.62 1.93 0.34 CV/% 8 130 164 181 70 154 221 115 73 94 201 Confined water Min 6.54 450 3.14 168.80 12.18 8.44 59.01 28.95 0.10 ND 0.20 Max 7.93 9,700 21.73 3,066.00 302.67 282.70 6,393.59 414.04 8.74 4.44 5.45 Mean 7.41 2628 11.55 719.39 114.68 100.74 1,553.26 267.20 2.18 1.75 2.07 Median 7.46 1,102 8.18 262.40 65.23 52.2 457.95 344.55 0.37 1.35 1.24 SD 0.49 3,022 6.92 968.04 98.35 94.48 2,074.70 142.50 2.92 1.73 2.12 CV/% 7 115 60 135 86 94 134 53 134 99 103 Note: (1) \: There is no equivalent groundwater quality standard in China. (2) ND, not detected Table 2. Salinization coefficient of groundwater
Salinization All samples Unconfined water Confined water Sample number Ratio/% Sample number Ratio/% Sample number Ratio/% ≤1 24 80.00 22 95.65 2 28.57 1~2 3 10.00 1 4.35 2 28.57 >2 3 10.00 0 0.00 3 42.86 Table 3. Table of main ion principal components analysis of groundwater
Name of index Loading coefficient PC1 PC2 PC3 K+ 0.96 −0.13 0.17 Na+ 0.96 −0.25 0.09 Ca2+ 0.59 0.73 −0.06 Mg2+ 0.98 −0.12 0.10 Cl– 0.94 −0.25 0.14 SO42– 0.21 0.80 0.50 HCO3– 0.97 0.01 −0.06 NO3– −0.53 −0.25 0.53 pH 0.49 0.18 −0.68 TDS 0.99 −0.11 0.12 Characteristic value 6.53 1.45 1.07 Variance contribution rate% 65.26 14.47 10.74 Accumulating contribution rate% 65.26 79.73 90.47 Table 4. Classification and representative value of seawater intrusion index
factors (mg·L–1)No seawater
intrusionMild seawater intrusion Moderate seawater intrusion Severe seawater intrusion Cl– ≤250 ≤600 ≤1,500 >1,500 TDS ≤1,000 ≤2,000 ≤3,000 >3,000 SO42– ≤200 ≤450 ≤1,200 >1,200 γCl–/γHCO3– ≤0.5 ≤1 ≤6.6 >6.6 SAR ≤2 ≤3.55 ≤10 >10 -
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