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Development, hotspots and trend directions of groundwater numerical simulation: A bibliometric and visualization analysis

Liu Yang Yan-pei Cheng Xue-ru Wen Jun Liu

Yang L, Cheng YP, Wen X-R, et al. 2024. Development, hotspots and trend directions of groundwater numerical simulation: A bibliometric and visualization analysis. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 12(4): 411-427 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280031
Citation: Yang L, Cheng YP, Wen X-R, et al. 2024. Development, hotspots and trend directions of groundwater numerical simulation: A bibliometric and visualization analysis. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 12(4): 411-427 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280031

doi: 10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280031

Development, hotspots and trend directions of groundwater numerical simulation: A bibliometric and visualization analysis

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  • Figure  1.  Publication volume trend from 1990 to 2023

    Figure  2.  The country collaboration network involving clustering information

    Figure  3.  Institutional cooperation network for research on groundwater numerical simulation

    Figure  4.  Publications by authors and author collaboration networks in WOS database

    Figure  5.  Keyword clustering on groundwater numerical simulation in WOS database

    Figure  6.  Co-occurrence keyword network

    Figure  7.  Timeline view of keywords on groundwater numerical simulation

    Figure  8.  Top 30 keywords with the strongest citation bursts from 1990 to 2024

    Figure  9.  Trend topics on groundwater numerical simulation

    Table  1.   Annual publication volume statistics from 1990 to 2023

    Year Number Year Number Year Number Year Number
    1990 2 1999 47 2008 102 2017 200
    1991 14 2000 57 2009 108 2018 271
    1992 15 2001 46 2010 102 2019 331
    1993 18 2002 42 2011 128 2020 352
    1994 20 2003 62 2012 138 2021 368
    1995 21 2004 65 2013 173 2022 410
    1996 20 2005 59 2014 185 2023 450
    1997 36 2006 95 2015 191
    1998 55 2007 105 2016 212
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    Table  2.   Top 10 countries by publication volume in the WOS Database (1990–2023)

    Country Documents Total link strength
    China 1,478 498
    USA 1,167 619
    Canada 392 248
    Germany 383 283
    Australia 247 246
    France 210 156
    Italy 207 121
    Japan 154 73
    Iran 132 83
    Switzerland 128 139
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    Table  3.   Top 10 research institutions by publication volume in the WOS Database (1990–2023)

    Research Institution Publications Citations Total link strength
    Hohai University 168 2,102 64
    China University Geoscience 137 2,407 44
    Chinese Acadamy Science 114 1,536 79
    US geology survey 106 4,636 26
    China University of Mining & Technology 97 1,771 13
    Jilin University 96 1,221 18
    Flinders University Australia 81 2,797 36
    University Waterloo 76 2,501 21
    Nanjing University 56 849 29
    Univercity California Berkeley 56 3,041 19
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    Table  4.   Top ten researchers by publication count in the WOS database (1990–2023)

    Author Publications Citations Total link
    Lu chunhui 35 1,447 55
    Li ling 32 757 61
    Wu jichun 29 468 29
    Simmons craig t. 28 1,613 32
    Werner adrian d. 28 1,429 31
    Lu wenxi 27 369 10
    Li hailong 25 585 30
    Xin pei 24 678 44
    Datta bithin 22 647 0
    Walther marc 21 359 34
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    Table  5.   Statistics of international publishing institutions, authors and journals of published articles in the field in Web of Science database

    Source Publications Citations
    Hydrogeology Journal 389 7,979
    Water Resources Research 354 14,351
    Journal of Hydrology 344 9,695
    Water 168 1,001
    Environmental Earth Sciences 145 2,170
    Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 137 4,441
    Advances in Water Resources 136 5,005
    Science of the Total Environment 53 942
    Engineering geology 52 2,130
    Transport in Porous Media 50 1,202
    Hydrological Processes 48 1,033
    Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 48 1,170
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    Table  6.   High frequency keywords in WOS database (1990–2023)

    Rank Keyword Occurrences Rank Keyword Occurrences
    1 Numerical modeling 990 26 Groundwater modeling 41
    2 Numerical simulation 598 27 Contamination 40
    3 Groundwater 390 28 Karst 38
    4 Groundwater flow 186 29 Reactive transport 36
    5 Coastal aquifer 111 30 Feflow 35
    6 Seawater intrusion 108 31 Hydrogeology 35
    7 Modeling 101 32 Unsaturated zone 35
    8 Solute transport 99 33 Conceptual models 34
    9 Groundwater management 84 34 Laboratory experiments 34
    10 Modflow 80 35 Vadose zone 33
    11 Heterogeneity 78 36 Artificial recharge 32
    12 Groundwater recharge 68 37 Subsidence 31
    13 Saltwater intrusion 66 38 Groundwater level 30
    14 Analytical solution 62 39 Groundwater/surface-water relations 30
    15 Porous media 61 40 Uncertainty 30
    16 USA 54 41 Aquifer 29
    17 Hydraulic conductivity 53 42 Permeability 29
    18 Contaminant transport 52 43 Remediation 29
    19 Climate change 50 44 Simulation 27
    20 Fractured rocks 50 45 Surrogate model 27
    21 Land subsidence 47 46 Transport 27
    22 Sensitivity analysis 47 47 Dispersion 26
    23 Groundwater contamination 46 48 Optimization 25
    24 Submarine groundwater discharge 46 49 Recharge 25
    25 China 41 50 Seepage 25
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