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Volume 12 Issue 4
Dec.  2024
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Zhang ZX, Wu L, Kong XK, et al. 2024. Impact of Cr(III) complexation with organic acid on its adsorption in silts and fine sands. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 12(4): 347-359 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280026
Citation: Zhang ZX, Wu L, Kong XK, et al. 2024. Impact of Cr(III) complexation with organic acid on its adsorption in silts and fine sands. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 12(4): 347-359 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280026

Impact of Cr(III) complexation with organic acid on its adsorption in silts and fine sands

doi: 10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280026
More Information
  • Corresponding author: kongxiangke@mail.cgs.gov.cn
  • Received Date: 2024-03-20
  • Accepted Date: 2024-08-17
  • Available Online: 2024-12-06
  • Publish Date: 2024-12-09
  • Trivalent chromium (Cr(III)) can form stable soluble complexes with organic components, altering its adsorption properties in the water-soil environment. This increases the risk of Cr(III) migrating to deeper soils and transforming into toxic Cr(VI) due to the presence of manganese oxides in sediments. In this study, Citric Acid (CA) was selected as a representative organic ligand to prepare and characterize Cr(III)-CA complexes. The characteristics, mechanisms and environmental factors influencing the adsorption of Cr(III)-CA on porous media (silts and fine sands) were investigated in the study. The results show that Cr(III) coordinates with CA at a 1:1 molar ratio, forming stable and soluble Cr(III)-CA complexes. Compared to Cr(III) ions, the equilibrium adsorption capacity of Cr(III)-CA is an order of magnitude lower in silts and fine sands. The adsorption of Cr(III)-CA in silts and fine sands is dominated by chemical adsorption of monolayers, following the pseudo-second-order kinetic equation and the Langmuir isotherm adsorption model. Varying contents of clay minerals and iron-aluminum oxides prove to be the main causes of differences in adsorption capacity of Cr(III)-CA in silts and fine sands. Changes in solution pH affect the adsorption rate and capacity of Cr(III)-CA by altering its ionic form. The adsorption process is irreversible and only minimally influenced by ionic strength, suggesting that inner-sphere complexation serves as the dominant Cr(III)-CA adsorption mechanism.
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