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Volume 2 Issue 4
Dec.  2014
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Kudryavtsev S A, Kazharskii A V, Goncharova E D, et al. 2014: Study of moisture migration in clay soils considering rate of freezing. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2(4): 35-40.
Citation: Kudryavtsev S A, Kazharskii A V, Goncharova E D, et al. 2014: Study of moisture migration in clay soils considering rate of freezing. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2(4): 35-40.

Study of moisture migration in clay soils considering rate of freezing

  • Publish Date: 2014-12-28
  • The paper presents some methods of numerical modelling and a study of moisture changing in frozen clay soils considering rates of freezing in the foundation. An impact assessment of moisture changes in clay soils affecting strength characteristics during thawing was carried out in stability tests.
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  • Kudriavtcev S A, Berestyanyy Y B, Goncharova E D. 2013. Engineering and construction of geotechnical structures with geotechnical materials in coastal arctic zone of Russia. Alaska: The 23rd International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference Anchorage, USA, 562-566.
    V M Ulitsky, V N Paramonov, et al. 2003. Con?temporary geotechnologies providing safe operation of railway embankments in per?mafrost conditions. 8th International Con?ference on Permafrost. Extended Abstracts, Re?porting Current Research and New Infor?mational Zurich, Switzerland, 20-25, 167- 168.
    Kudryavtsev S A, Berestyanyy Y B, et al. 2012. Geotechnical solutions for slope stabilization along the Amur highway characterized by permafrost degradation of road embankments. Salekhard: Tenth International Conference on Permafrost, 2: 215-219.
    V M Ulitsky, V N Paramonov, et al. 2003. Numerical modelling of migrant moisture component in ground frost heave forecast. 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics. Slovak Republic: University of ?ilina, 9-12th: 167-168.
    Kudriavtcev S A, Berestyanyy Y B, et al. 2009. Research and development of rational structure of pavement using integral geogrid for section of Chita-Khabarovsk highway. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 16(9):50-53.
    Kudriavtcev S A, Berestyanyy Y B, et al. 2013. Predictive numerical modelling of a per?mafrost thermal regime in the subgrade support of a railroad section in Russia. China: The 1st International Symposium on Trans?portation Soil Engineering in Cold Regions. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 5(4): 404-407.
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