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Volume 4 Issue 1
Mar.  2016
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HAO Qi-chen, SHAO Jing-li, CUI Ya-li, et al. 2016: Development of a new method for efficiently calculating of evaporation from the phreatic aquifer in variably saturated flow modeling. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 4(1): 26-34.
Citation: HAO Qi-chen, SHAO Jing-li, CUI Ya-li, et al. 2016: Development of a new method for efficiently calculating of evaporation from the phreatic aquifer in variably saturated flow modeling. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 4(1): 26-34.

Development of a new method for efficiently calculating of evaporation from the phreatic aquifer in variably saturated flow modeling

  • Publish Date: 2016-03-28
  • In this paper, we proposed a new method that has been developed based on the surface soil moisture content (SSMC) to more efficiently calculate the groundwater evaporation in variably saturated flow modeling. In this method, the empirical formula to calculate evaporation was modified and the value of the formula varies from zero to one as a closed interval. In addition, the simulation code for calculating the groundwater evaporation based on the SSMC method was incorporated into the EOS9 module of Tough2, a variably saturated flow modeling code. Finally, two numerical tests and a case simulation were conducted to verify the feasibility and accuracy of the SSMC method. Simulation results indicate that the SSMC method is capable of appropriately simulating the characteristics of water flow in vadose zone and the amount of evaporation with the variable water table. And such results are in coincidence with the value calculated by the logistic function method, and fit well with the measured data globally rather than locally.
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