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Volume 4 Issue 3
Sep.  2016
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Dana Mawlood, Jwan Mustafa. 2016: Comparison between Neuman (1975) and Jacob (1946) application for analysing pumping test data of unconfined aquifer. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 4(3): 165-173.
Citation: Dana Mawlood, Jwan Mustafa. 2016: Comparison between Neuman (1975) and Jacob (1946) application for analysing pumping test data of unconfined aquifer. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 4(3): 165-173.

Comparison between Neuman (1975) and Jacob (1946) application for analysing pumping test data of unconfined aquifer

  • Publish Date: 2016-09-28
  • Pumping test of a water table aquifer is carried out to estimate the aquifer parameters, the obtained data were analysed through the solution of both Neuman (1975) and Jacob (1946) methods through AQTESOLV and Spreadsheet programs, the results of each methods are compared to evaluate the applicability and accuracy of the solution theoretically and practically. In the paper an example is presented, which is conducted for a constant rate pumping test from Ohio, in Fairborn (near Dayton), and it supplied by S.E. Norris (U.S. Geological Survey, Columbus, Ohio). The main objective of this study is to introduce both program and the way of the applications, and compare the results and the hand on of both programs in the field.
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