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Volume 4 Issue 4
Dec.  2016
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LU Yao-ru, ZHANG Wei, LIU Qi, et al. 2016: Building a scientific and ecological earth–on an important field of geo-science: Geo-environment and construction engineering effect. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 4(4): 259-278.
Citation: LU Yao-ru, ZHANG Wei, LIU Qi, et al. 2016: Building a scientific and ecological earth–on an important field of geo-science: Geo-environment and construction engineering effect. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 4(4): 259-278.

Building a scientific and ecological earth–on an important field of geo-science: Geo-environment and construction engineering effect

  • Publish Date: 2016-12-28
  • This paper explores the 12 aspects of geo-environment and construction engineering, including the earth evolution, the structure of geological bodies, the comprehensive utilization of resources, the geo-environmental effect, the engineering construction, the sustainable development and, etc. This paper presents that the good environment could only be created through the conservation and efficient utilization of resources, the joint efforts of disaster prevention and mitigation, as well as the avoidance of adverse environmental effect caused by human activities. This paper concludes that, to build a scientific and ecological earth, the development laws of geo-science must be learnt.
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    LU Yao-ru. 1998c. Sustainable development and comprehensive harness on territory geo-ecological environment–The ways for promoting benefits and taking precautions against natural hazards in the valley of Yellow river and Yangtze river. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control, (9):91-99 .
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    LU Yao-ru, JIN Xiao-xia. 2011b. Suggestion of the three gorges project development, disaster prevention and shortcomings avoidance. Natural Disaster Reduction in China, 13: 35 .
    TONG Guo-bang, ZHANG Jun-pai, FAN Shu-xian. 1992. Distribution of palynological vegetation in Quaternary period in China. Marine Geology and Geology In Quaternary Period, 12(3): 45-56 .
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