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Volume 5 Issue 1
Mar.  2017
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Chamroeun SOK, Sokuntheara CHOUP. 2017: Climate change and groundwater resources in Cambodia. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 5(1): 31-43.
Citation: Chamroeun SOK, Sokuntheara CHOUP. 2017: Climate change and groundwater resources in Cambodia. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 5(1): 31-43.

Climate change and groundwater resources in Cambodia

  • Publish Date: 2017-03-28
  • Climate change has become a major global concern and threatens the security of natural environmental resources, including groundwater, especially for Cambodia. In this study, literature reviews related to climate change and groundwater resources in Cambodia were evaluated to address the impact of climate change on the groundwater environment. In Cambodia, global climate change will likely affect available water resources by driving changes in the groundwater recharge and usage pattern. Despite a general increase in the mean annual rainfall, a reduction in rainfall is anticipated during the dry season, which could lead to shortages of fresh water during the dry season. The impact of climate change on water resource environments can significantly affect national economic development. Thus, strategic management plansfor groundwater in response to climate change should be established to ensure the security of water resources in Cambodia.
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