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Volume 1 Issue 2
Sep.  2013
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Richard E. Jackson. 2013: Education and Core Competencies for Professional Hydrogeologists. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 1(2): 9-13.
Citation: Richard E. Jackson. 2013: Education and Core Competencies for Professional Hydrogeologists. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 1(2): 9-13.

Education and Core Competencies for Professional Hydrogeologists

  • Publish Date: 2013-09-28
  • M. J. Currell, D. Han and Z. Chen et al. Sustainability of groundwater usage in north China: dependence on palaeowaters and effects on Hydrogeologists may undergo initial education at the BS/BSc level as engineers, geo?scientists or in another area of physical science. There is a need in the 21st Century to standardize the required competency profile of a professional hydrogeologist so that their professional cer-tification is accepted internationally. This is particularly the case in free-trade areas such as North America and the European Union where cross border consulting is economically important. It is also important to foreign graduate students who will want to be assured that their academic qualification in hydrogeology will be accepted internationally. The 1999 Bologna Accord in Europe and the American Society of Civil Engineer’s Body of Knowledge BOK2 report clearly indicate the growing acceptance of the BS/BSc degree as that of the engineer-in-training degree and that, in the words of the ASCE’s Committee on Academic Pre?requisites for Professional Practice: “The outcome regarding specialized technical knowledge is best accomplished in a post-graduate program of study. By not including technical specialization in the undergraduate program of study, necessary breadth can be achieved without increasing the size of the curriculum.” Thus, in the USA, by 2025 admission to an 8-hour written examination in the prin?ciples and practice of engineering will require that an engineering intern have: ? A MSc degree in engineering from an accredited institution and 3 or more years of progressive experience, or ? A minimum of 30 additional appropriate credits from approved course providers plus 4 or more years of progressive experience. Therefore the BS is the engineer-in-training degree and the MS is the professional engineer degree. The Bologna process has moved the EU nations towards a similar policy position with a first cycle/second cycle university system of 3+2 years leading to an MEng or MSc(Eng) degree. The geo-engineering community in the US and Europe have realized that they must respond to these developments and have established an international Joint Technical Committee on Education and Training (JTC3) to consider the competency profiles for these geo-engineering professions. What will be the response by the IAH and by hydrogeologists in general to these initiatives and what should we expect of the core competency of hydrogeologists in the 21st century?
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  • American Society of Civil Engineers, 2008, Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century: Preparing the Civil Engineer for the Future. 2nd Edition. ASCE, Reston, Virginia
    Cemmell, J. and Bekhradnia, B., 2008, The Bologna Process and the UK’s International Student Market. Higher Education Policy Institute, Oxford, UK
    California Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists, undated, Definitions of Critical Concepts for the Professional Geo-logist, Professional Geophysicists, Certified Engineering Geologist, and Certified Hydro-geo?logist Application Process. Sacramento, California
    Turner, A.K., 2010, Defining competencies for geo-engineering: implications for education and training. Presented at the 11th Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-10 September
    Engineering Council, 2012, Chartered Engineer (CEng), http://www.engc.org.uk/professional- qualifications/chartered-engineer/about-chartered-engineer, London UK, downloaded June 2012
    Institution of Civil Engineers, 2010. ICE Sub-mission of Evidence to the Select Committee on Education and Skills (of the UK Parliament): The Bologna Process. Response by the Institution of Civil Engineers, London UK. Accessed from http://www.ice.org.uk/ Informationresources/Document-Library/ICE-response-to-the-Select-Committee-on-the-Bologn 13/04/2010
    Cherry, J.A., Gillham, R.W. and Pickens, J.F., 1975, Contaminant Hydrogeology: Part 1: Physical Processes. Geoscience Canada 2(2): 76-84
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