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Volume 1 Issue 2
Sep.  2013
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Wang Qian, Zhang Lizhong, Cai Zizhao, et al. 2013: Evaluation Index System of Hydrogeological Investigation Software. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 1(2): 96-103.
Citation: Wang Qian, Zhang Lizhong, Cai Zizhao, et al. 2013: Evaluation Index System of Hydrogeological Investigation Software. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 1(2): 96-103.

Evaluation Index System of Hydrogeological Investigation Software

  • Publish Date: 2013-09-28
  • Currently, many types of software including those used for environmental geological survey, investigation of groundwater resources, groundwater pollution invest-igation and urban geological environment investigation have been developed by hydrogeological investigation in-dustries. In order to rationally and scientifically evaluate the quality of the software and guide software development, a study on hydrogeological survey software evaluation was conducted unsing an index system. A weighting method was used to establish a three-stage quality indicator system model including technical modules, test items and test sub-items. The evaluation index system model was divided into seven technical modules, 26 test items and 71 test sub-items, and scoring methods and scoring criteria of various evaluation indicators were established. The groundwater resources survey software was evaluated and the evaluation index system model was tested. Hydro-geological survey software evaluation is still in its infancy, so the hydrogeological survey software evaluation index system is the primary probe for hydrogeological survey software eva-luation standards and norms.
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  • Y.Fang, G.-F. Jing,Evaluation of GIS Software Promoting the Development of Technologies and Products, Geomatics World, VOL.01.NO.1, Feb. 2003: 12-19
    Computer software development specifications (GB 8566-88)
    Computer software product development docu-ment??tation guidelines (GB/T8567-88)
    Database standards of regional groundwater resou-rces investigation and evaluation (DD2010-03).
    Specification for Investigation and assessment of groundwater pollution (For approval)
    Groundwater quality standards (For approval) (GB/T 14848-2007)
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    IT software quality requirements and testing (GB/T 17544-1998)
    Standard Collection for National Standards of Com-puter Software Engineering. 2000. Beijing: Stand?ards Press of China
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