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Volume 1 Issue 1
Jun.  2013
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Yan Zhang, Shuai Song, Jing Li, et al. 2013: Stable Isotope Composition of Rainfall, Surface Water and Groundwater along the Yellow River. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 1(1): 82-88.
Citation: Yan Zhang, Shuai Song, Jing Li, et al. 2013: Stable Isotope Composition of Rainfall, Surface Water and Groundwater along the Yellow River. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 1(1): 82-88.

Stable Isotope Composition of Rainfall, Surface Water and Groundwater along the Yellow River

  • Publish Date: 2013-06-28
  • The intention of this work is to consider the stable isotopic compositions of oxygen and deuterium in rainfall, surface water and groundwater along the Yellow River in the North China Plain (NCP). This demonstrated that the δ18O values in groundwater varied from –10.17 to –6.85‰, with mean value of –8.76‰, and that the δD ranged from –68.7 to –58.0‰, with mean value of –63.4‰, respectively. The δ18O values in surface water varied from –8.36 to 1.32‰, with mean value of –6.8‰, and δD ranged from –64.4 to –35.1‰, with mean value of –57.6‰, respectively. Further, The range of Cl- values of groundwater varied from 5.9 to 340.5 mg/L and that values ranged from 30.1 to 81.9 mg/L in surface water samples and Na+ value changed from 27.4 to 321 mg/L in groundwater, while that in surface water varied from 24.8 to 50.5 mg/L. Most of the points fall below the GMWL?, but are close to the LMWL.? Therefore the results indicated that the groundwaters along the Yellow River were influenced by rainfall in heavy events and surface water.
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