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A trigger-tube tracer dilution technique for determining Darcy and apparent velocities of groundwater in dug wells: A case study on phreatic aquiferous formation in Bamenda -Cameroon

Akoanung Ayaba ABENDONG ENDENE Emmanuel Enoh Jeanot FONGOH AKOACHERE Richard Ayuk II NJENG Napoleon Ngenge

Akoanung Ayaba ABENDONG, ENDENE Emmanuel, Enoh Jeanot FONGOH, et al. 2019: A trigger-tube tracer dilution technique for determining Darcy and apparent velocities of groundwater in dug wells: A case study on phreatic aquiferous formation in Bamenda -Cameroon. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 7(2): 182-194. doi: 10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2019.02.009
Citation: Akoanung Ayaba ABENDONG, ENDENE Emmanuel, Enoh Jeanot FONGOH, et al. 2019: A trigger-tube tracer dilution technique for determining Darcy and apparent velocities of groundwater in dug wells: A case study on phreatic aquiferous formation in Bamenda -Cameroon. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 7(2): 182-194. doi: 10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2019.02.009

doi: 10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2019.02.009

A trigger-tube tracer dilution technique for determining Darcy and apparent velocities of groundwater in dug wells: A case study on phreatic aquiferous formation in Bamenda -Cameroon

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