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Groundwater level thresholds for maintaining groundwater-dependent ecosystems in northwest China: Current developments and future challenges

Ming-yang Li Chao-zhu Li Feng Dong Peng Jiang Yong-qiang Li

Li MY, Li CZ, Dong F, et al. 2024. Groundwater level thresholds for maintaining groundwater-dependent ecosystems in northwest China: Current developments and future challenges. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 12(4): 453-462 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280032
Citation: Li MY, Li CZ, Dong F, et al. 2024. Groundwater level thresholds for maintaining groundwater-dependent ecosystems in northwest China: Current developments and future challenges. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 12(4): 453-462 doi:  10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280032

doi: 10.26599/JGSE.2024.9280032

Groundwater level thresholds for maintaining groundwater-dependent ecosystems in northwest China: Current developments and future challenges

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  • Table  1.   Methods for quantifying groundwater level thresholds to protect GDEs

    Methods Explanations Pros/Cons
    Methods Based on Vegetation Indicators Species Diversity Analysis Determine groundwater thresholds by analyzing the changes in species diversity at different groundwater depths (e.g. Species richness, Shannon-Weiner index, and Simpson index) Provide direct information about the response of vegetation to groundwater changes.Indicate the overall health and functioning of the ecosystem.Cannot provide insights into the ecological and hydrological processes affecting vegetation responses to groundwater changes.Limited by data availability due to difficulty in obtaining data.
    Vegetation Cover Analysis Determine groundwater thresholds by analyzing the changes in vegetation cover at different groundwater depths
    Vegetation Growth Indicator Analysis Determine groundwater thresholds by analyzing the changes in plant growth indicators at different groundwater depths (e.g. height, biomass)
    Methods Based on Models Empirical Models Establish models based on historical data and expert experience to predict groundwater thresholds (Basic statistical analysis methods, e.g. linear correlations, stress gradients, ordination) Does not require complex models and a large number of parameters.Can use existing/ historical observation data for analysis.Uncertainties due to large data gaps may exist.
    Statistical Models Establish models based on statistical analysis methods to analyze the relationship between groundwater and vegetation, and determine groundwater thresholds (e.g. Functional linear model, Bayesian model, Gaussian regression model, forest gradient model) Can intuitively reflect the relationship between groundwater thresholds and the ecological environment.Can deal with missing data.Most models require large sample sizes.Cannot explain the physical mechanism.Limited by the data distribution and model assumptions.
    Mechanistic Models Establish models based on ecological hydrological processes to simulate the relationship between groundwater and vegetation and determine groundwater thresholds (e.g. MODFLOW) Can provide quantitative relationships between groundwater level and vegetation.Can explain the eco-hydrological processes influencing vegetation responses to groundwater changes.Require calibration with field data.Uncertainty due to simplifications and assumptions.
    Methods Based on Remote Sensing Remote Sensing Image Analysis Determine groundwater thresholds by analyzing vegetation cover and growth status at different groundwater depths using remote sensing images (e.g. NDVI method, NDVI-DTG method) Allow for large-scale analysis of vegetation.Time-series analysis: Can be used to time-series analysis of changes in vegetation.Limitations in spatial and temporal resolution, which can affect the accuracy of results.Can be affected by atmospheric conditions and topography, requiring careful processing and correction.
    Remote Sensing Inversion Models Establish models based on remote sensing data and ground-based measured data to invert groundwater depth and determine groundwater thresholds
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    Table  2.   The suitable ranges of depth to groundwater and thresholds for maintaining healthy GDEs, NW China

    Area GDEs Species and communities Suitable (m) Thresholds (m) Sources
    Middle and lower Tarim Rive Basin Desert riparian forests Mixed forest-shrub-herb: Populus euphratica, Tamarix spp., Phragmites australis 2–4 8 Li et al. 2013
    2–4 6 Hao et al. 2010
    Forest-shrub: Populus euphratica, Tamarix spp., Haloxylon ammodendron 4–8 8 Li et al. 2013
    4–6 6 Hao et al. 2010
    Herb: Phragmites australis 0.5–1 2 Li et al. 2013
    Manaz River Valley (Junggar Basin) Desert riparian vegetation Shrub: Ulmus glaucescens Franch; Tamarix spp 1–4 5.5 Cheng et al. 2018
    Herb: Phragmites australis 0.5–1.5 2.5 Cheng et al. 2018
    Lower Heihe River Basin Desert riparian forests Forest-shrub: Populus euphratica, Tamarix spp. 2–4 4 Ding et al. 2017 Feng et al. 2012
    Desert Terrestrial GDEs (Ejina oases) Shrub: Tamarix spp., Nitraria spp., Haloxylon ammodendron, Artemisia arenaria 2–5 5 Jin et al. 2010; Yu and Wang, 2012
    Desert wetland(Juyan lake wetland) Salt marsh grassland: Phragmites australis, Agropyron cristatum, Tamarix ramosissima 1.5–2 2 Feng et al. 2012
    Middle and lower Shiyanghe Rive Basin Desert riparian vegetation Shrubs: Nitraria spp., Tamarix spp., Reaumuria soongorica, Lycium ruthenicum 8.6–13.5 14 Liu et al. 2012
    Desert Terrestrial GDEs (Minqin oases) Shrubs: Nitraria spp., Tamarix spp., Haloxylon ammodendron, Kalidium foliatum, Reaumuria soongorica, Artemisia arenaria 2.5–3.9 4 Cao et al. 2020
    Desert wetland (Qingtuhu lake wetland) Herb-shrub ((Halophytic Marsh Grassland): Phragmites australis,Kalidium foliatum 0.5–2.0 2 Hu et al. 2021; Zhang, 2021
    3 Liu et al. 2022
    Shulehe River Basin Desert Terrestrial GDEs (Oases) Shrub-herb: Alhagi sparsifolia, Nitraria spp, Sophora alopecuroides, Phragmites australis 2–4 6 Ma et al. 2005; Ye et al. 2013
    Desert wetland (Xihu lake, Dunhuang) Herb (Halophytic Marsh Grassland: About 0-5 km from lake): Agropyron cristatum, Phragmites australis 1.07–2.03 Chen et al. 2021
    Shrub-herb (desert woodland: About 10–50 km from lake): Lycium ruthenicum, Phragmites australis, Populus euphratica, Tamarix ramosissima 2.78–5.42 Chen et al. 2021
    Qaidam Basin Desert wetland (Spring and lake wetland) Salt marsh grassland: Phragmites australis, Agropyron cristatum, Kalidium foliatum, Nitraria spp. 0.3–0.9 1.1 Dang et al. 2019
    Desert riparian vegetation Herb-shrub: Apocynum venetum, Nitraria spp., Tamarix ramosissim, Tamarix spp., Artemisia arenaria, Phragmites australis, Kalidium foliatum, Achnatherurn 1.4–3.5 5 Dang et al. 2019
    Northern Ordos basin Desert wetland (Riparian and lake wetland) Shrub: Salix mongolica, Artemisia sphaero—cephala Krasch, Pulus simonii Carr. 1.5–3 5 Yang et al. 2006
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