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Volume 2 Issue 4
Dec.  2014
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MA Shao-bing, ZHOU Jun, LIANG Peng, et al. 2014: Characteristics-based classification research on typical petroleum contaminants of groundwater. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2(4): 41-47.
Citation: MA Shao-bing, ZHOU Jun, LIANG Peng, et al. 2014: Characteristics-based classification research on typical petroleum contaminants of groundwater. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2(4): 41-47.

Characteristics-based classification research on typical petroleum contaminants of groundwater

  • Publish Date: 2014-12-28
  • Petroleum pollution has become an important factor to threaten the groundwater environment, and the classification of its typical characteristics will contribute to pollution assessment and environmental management. Under the same hydrogeological features con?dition, the reaction of typical petroleum pollutants in groundwater depends on the charac?teristics. This paper takes the typical toxicity, oil pollutant migration, degradation, water-soluble etc. as evaluation indexes, and with AHP method the typical petroleum pollut?ants in groundwater are divided into four classifications according to comprehensive calculated values: comprehensive value≥2.5, Class I hazardous pollutant; 2.0≤comprehensive value<2.5, Class II hazardous pollutant; 1.5≤comprehensive value<2.0, Class III hazardous po?llutant; comprehensive value<1.5, Class IV hazardous pollutant. The pollutant group shall be managed according to the classification, and obtained classification list will provide technical support for priority monitoring and priority repair of groundwater environmental management.
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