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Volume 9 Issue 1
Mar.  2021
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Hong-bo HAO, Jie LV, Yan-mei CHEN, et al. 2021: Research advances in non-Darcy flow in low permeability media. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 9(1): 83-92. doi: 10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2021.01.008
Citation: Hong-bo HAO, Jie LV, Yan-mei CHEN, et al. 2021: Research advances in non-Darcy flow in low permeability media. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 9(1): 83-92. doi: 10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2021.01.008

Research advances in non-Darcy flow in low permeability media

doi: 10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2021.01.008
More Information
  • Corresponding author: CHEN Yan-mei, E-mail: ymchen831219@yangtze.edu.cn
  • Received Date: 2020-10-22
  • Accepted Date: 2020-12-18
  • Publish Date: 2021-03-28
  • More and more experimental results show that Darcy's law is not fully applicable in low permeability media, and non-Darcy flow has been identified. In this paper we reviewed the research of non-Darcy flow experiments in low-permeability media in recent decades, discuss the existence of non-Darcy flow, and summarize its constitutive equations. The reasons for the threshold gradient were also discussed and summarized for the criterion of the critical point of non-Darcy flow. On this basis, the future development of non-Darcy flow experiments in the rock and clay media were discussed, in order to provide a certain reference for subsequent research on seepage laws in low permeability media.
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