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Genetic model and exploration target area of geothermal resources in Hongtang Area, Xiamen, China

Liu Chun-lei Lu Chen-ming Li Ya-song Hao Qi-chen Cao Sheng-wei

Liu CL, Lu CM, Li YS, et al. 2022. Genetic model and exploration target area of geothermal resources in Hongtang Area, Xiamen, China. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 10(2): 128-137 doi:  10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2022.02.003
Citation: Liu CL, Lu CM, Li YS, et al. 2022. Genetic model and exploration target area of geothermal resources in Hongtang Area, Xiamen, China. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 10(2): 128-137 doi:  10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2022.02.003

doi: 10.19637/j.cnki.2305-7068.2022.02.003

Genetic model and exploration target area of geothermal resources in Hongtang Area, Xiamen, China

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  • Figure  1.  Bouguer gravity isolines in the southeast coastal area and location map of the study area (modified from Chen et al. (1992) and Li et al. (2019))

    Notes: Qs—Artificial accumulation; Q4cal-pl—Alluvial-pluvial deposits (Changle Formation); Q3lal-pl—Alluvial-pluvial deposits (Longhai Formation); Qel-dl—Eluvium-slope deposits; γδ52(3)b—Granodiorite; F1—Changle-Shaoan fault; F2—Nanxi-Lufeng fault; F3—Zhenghe-Dapu fault; F4—Shaowu-Heyuan fault; F5—Shaxian-Nanridao fault; F6—Yongan-Jinjiang fault; F7—Jiulongjiang fault; F8—Shanghang-Yunxiao fault.

    Figure  2.  The upward comparison map of Bouguer gravity anomaly in Hongtang Area of Xiamen (50 m, 100 m, 200 m)

    Notes: A: Upward 200 m; B: Upward 100 m; C: Upward 50 m.

    Figure  3.  Extended map of Bouguer gravity anomaly in Hongtang Area of Xiamen

    Notes: A: Modular map of horizontal gradient (upward 50m); B: Modular map of horizontal gradient (upward 500m); C: Linear enhancement map (upward 50m); D: Linear enhancement map (upward 500m); E: Vertical second derivative map; F: Residual gravity anomaly map

    Figure  4.  Wide-area electromagnetic profile in Hongtang Area of Xiamen

    Figure  5.  Inferred result maps in Hongtang Area of Xiamen

    Notes: A: Locations of the delineated sags; B: Locations of the inferred faults and target areas of geothermal exploration

    Figure  6.  Conceptual model of the ternary heat accumulation in Hongtang Area of Xiamen (Modified from Li TX et al. (2020))

    Figure  7.  Temperature curve of drilling Dr01 in Hongtang area of Xiamen

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